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December 02, 2005

Art Miami - MAO Does Aqua and Scope

OK.. So Got Down to Miami.. Better Late the never... I just hate it when that "Day Job Thing" Gets in the way of my Art Collecting!!! 

So, this morning The Art News Paper- Art Basel Daily Edition had already reported that all the "Really Good Art" had been bought up at the Pre-opening of the main Basel Miami Fair.. So... We decided we'd get a jump on the "Important Collectors" and hit the other fairs first.

Well.. MAO was not alone in that train of thought!!

                First Stop.. Aqua Art Miami Fair. Well.. all I can say.. 1st off.. we were ahead of the crowds and secondly.. the Seattle art scene is not exactly what I had hoped.. but the fair had some true standouts INMAN Gallery - Houston, and Plus Ultra Gallery - Ed "I love your Blog" Winkleman! Now, I soo have to go back and introduce myself, I Loved that Jennifer Dalton work you had at the fair Ed!!! Seen at Aqua : very quietly walking alone was none other than NYC playwrite Edward Albee!

               Second Stop....   ~SCOPE Miami and all I can say.. WOW.. totally jammed.. and Boy Was the ART selling fast!!! Best Quote of the day...  "We've got to CALL HOME and Have them SEND MORE ART RIGHT AWAY... WE'VE SOLD OUT OF EVERYTHING!!!" - Yikes!! Now I don't exactly remember which very Happy Gallery owner on the 4th floor said this to me.. But It basically summed up the SCOPE fair!  People were buying with both hands.. and asking questions later! I'm not sure if that was before or after hitting the free drinks on the roof deck.. But I'd guess after!! Seen at ~Scope.. Nicole Kidman And Nicole sooo winked at me a few times.. Oh well... I guess she's got a thing for the Gay Boys!!

ok.. .. what can I say...I'm a name dropper.

Today... Basel Miami... and NADA!


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is it all that miami drug-money driving the sales?
and which artist is the flavor-of-the-dump... usually you can spot at least one artist's' work getting unloaded at an artfair.

A.J... Thanks.. I think the rain of cash was coming from everywhere... not just the miami snow blowers!

Favor-of-the-Dump?? hmmm.. hard to say, but Candida Hoffer.. was by far the most pushed & pumped artist.. her work was everywhere!

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