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December 04, 2005

Day NADA Miami !!! PULSE By Night!

Miami Day 3!

Headed to NADA Miami this morning. Totally great.. I shouldn't have waited till day 3! I can honestly say.. It was my favorite fair.. Very cool.. certainly the most cutting edge. But also... We found much less of that Typical Bitchy, Elitist, Snobby, BS, Art Tude going around!

    For example.. when you entered NADA... there were 8 Hammocks Hung with guys making out people lounging listening to groovey music between the palm trees!! Too Cool! Plus, there was just more fun and interesting discussions going on between dealers, and collectors than other fairs. It doesn't get any better!! And lastly.. as they say.. the best thing in life are FREE to enter!!!

The True standouts for me....    John Connolly Presents (AVAF), Murray Guy (Kota Ezawa), and Oliver Kamm 5BE Gallery (Jen DeNike). I also loved seeing the 2 Yoko Ono Videos courtesy of Daniel Reich Gallery!

So we could have stayed all day and made out on the Hammocks at NADA! oh.. and if the Great Art and Galleries weren't enough.. Also seen at NADA... One of MAO's Favorite Bush Bashing People - Ex Gov of TX Ann Richards.. We Luv Ha!

Well, being the ever curious collector.. we headed to PULSE Miami.

It was just about the same here (except a bit smaller.. and they charged $10 bucks to get it.. like why?).. But anyways, Lots of RED DOTS, and Very Happy (but somewhat tired.. these guys are just not used to a hard days work!!) Gallery Owners Here!!  MAO's Gallery fair standouts.. Catharine Clark Gallery (Andy Diaz Hope), Robert Mann Gallery - NYC (Luis Gonzalez Palma, and Aneta Grzeszykowska & Jan Smaga) , and PPOW Gallery (Ellen Kooi).

So, No celebs here to report.. I guess the $10 tickets must have kept them away! 


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