Gregory Crewdson Self-Proclaimed Realist
OK.. first off..
I just have to say.. I'm home watching the new season premier of Bravo's Project Runway. Am I the only person who thinks It's by far the Best GAY Comedy on TV??
Last night I attended a panel discussion sponsored by The New School and Aperture. And something very strange happened.. moderated by Author, Susan Bright.. The Super Star Photographer Gregory Crewdson stated, "I'm a Realist Artist in the same tradition as Walker Evans, Diane Arbus, and Edward Hopper..". WHAT?? Is he smoking crack kidding?? Needless to say.. most of the photo aficionado crowd and I disagreed!
Granted almost any photograph can be considered a realist image. But, within the medium of photography, I'd have to classify Mr. Crewdson pretty far away from a Realist!
I like Crewdson's work, and if it weren't so outrageously expensive/overpriced I'd have some of his staged fanciful dreamlike photos on my wall... But is it possible he really thinks of himself as a realist?? It's just surprising to think the public opinion of an artist's work can be so different than the artist's view of their own work.
OMG the new Project Runway's gonna be good. And what was up with that bald guy's breakdown?? I was laughing... all the while he had on this T-shirt that screamed "I AM SO LA"!!
Posted by: La Dauphine | December 08, 2005 at 04:39 PM
Right!! His dress was terrible.. But, They can't kick him off.. cause he's such a total train wreck.. everyone will watch just to see his next emotional breakdown! It's Hysterical! I love it!
Posted by: Mike - ModernArtObsession | December 08, 2005 at 05:14 PM
damn... i adore project runway... and here in canada it's broadcast months later on another network.
austin scarlett rules !!!
Posted by: A.J. | December 08, 2005 at 08:11 PM
Crewdson is a hack. Mike -- I was so impressed -- then you slip up.
You shoulds seen the crap coming out of the Yale MFA Photo program. It's all his fault.
Posted by: Oliver | December 08, 2005 at 09:49 PM
actually Mike, Kim made me watch it the other night and that guy was UFB. the way he cried. what the hell is wrong with him???
Posted by: jeff | December 09, 2005 at 02:45 AM
i could argue that he could be considered "hyper" real.
but i won't
because i think he sucks and its not really worth the effort.
Posted by: landry | December 12, 2005 at 06:34 PM
a realist? nothings faker than photoshop.
Posted by: pat | February 27, 2009 at 10:12 AM