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January 06, 2006

An Evening with Duane Michals & ICP

Last Night Duane Michals gave a very entertaining lecture to the ICP Trustee/Focus members at Pace/MacGill 57th street.Duanem010506_009  Too bad the show closes on Jan 7th.

At 74 years young Duane is still going strong. This Yoda looking photo legend was full of energy, funny stories, and very forthcoming with his views on the state of modern art photography today.

  • 1.Cindy Sherman - So Over rated,
  • 2.Bigger is not better, it's just current fashion and
  • 3. Who wants to look at photo's of empty parking lots, where's the passion.
  • He also discussed his 2 new bodies of work, "The Adventures of Constantine Cavafy" and his first ever color art work "Ukiyo-e:Pictures from the Floating world."  Both works I found wonderful.

    It's interesting to see an artist who at 74, after working in B&W for some 30+ years, is now using color for the fist time. Duane, like what were you waiting for???


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    cindy's cameravision is (and was) genius.
    "photographers" never understand how artists use cameras.

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