More Gallery Opening Pics..
As promised.. It was quite a mob scene Thurs Night. First went to the ClampArt Opening of "Bared & Bended:Photographs by Frank Yamrus".. nice show.. Refreshing to see a photographer not printing in GIGANTIC Sizes and with reasonable prices for some interesting work (all photo's of P-TOWN). Also met well known Photographer.. Nancy Burson at the party.. she was super nice and modest, surprising for a well established artist!
Next stop.. the Openings of the Far West 27th Street (west of 11th..?? yes.. there's roads west of 11th ave! wow.. that was news to me to!!) Like 10 openings..all together.. it's a new elite NYC gallerist club over there.. mostly NADA Art Galleries.. see this weeks TimeOut - Block Party.. and Jan Art & Auction for stories. I had my camera.. so took some quick shots.
John Connelly.. looking a bit nervous... guarding.. in front of a new totally FAB AVAF installation (I think we need to get one of these AVAF wallpaper pieces soon for the MAO collection...)
Loved this work at Wallspace.. by Kirsten Sloltmann.. Sadly.. One of the first times I've seen a decent bottle of red wine at a gallery opening!
There was a primo scene both inside and out at the Uber
sexy popular Oliver Kamm Gallery!
Also..briefly spotted Edward W.. looking around..probably looking a bit more at the new construction than the art..
Ran into the ever stylish Gen-Ex Blog Master Tony R..drooling over some of the boys work's of art in the gallery.