Chelsea Gallery Walk Part II
Part II.. the Roaming Continues...
4th Stop..
Zach Fauer Gallery (LFL).. AKA.. The NADA God.. The second show by Jin Meyerson called
Jin Meyerson - "High Cholesterol Moment" First off... My lame photo's don't do this work justice.. these paintings are mesmerizing and confusing. The work reminded me of last November's Lari Pittman show at The Gladstone Gallery. I found these painting to be complete visual Over-Stimulation!The details have to be seen for yourself. They are very large works, with intense complex images. They are modern landscapes which have both movement, and congestion.
(photo 1, I believe this one is called LandFall.. my notes were blurred from the rain)
These scrambled images feel a bit forced, almost puzzle like at times, but there's also a certain beauty in their balance and precision.
Next Stop.. was Metro Pictures...
They have a group show.. of completely unrelated work. So it's basically 3 different shows in one.
Cindy Sherman's animated film.."Doll Clothes" from 1975. Which is probably the last time she did anything original. Like, Can this narcissistic woman ever take pictures of someone other than herself? Please!!
OK.. I'm Just kidding!! So please .. no militant feminine man-hater emials. Actually, the film is brilliant, go see it, cause you'll probably never get a chance to see it again. It's only up till February 18th.
And talk about fruity tooty..Olaf Breuning's installation, "A Group of Unstable Lemon Pigs" (see photo's 2 and 3)
It's like the California Raisins..come to Chelsea.
It's very funny work, and is stemming from an edition Olaf did for Parkett Editions in 2004. These smiling pigs (aka Lemmings) march up the stairs and walk off the blank, smashing onto the floor. Very subtle!!
Their 3rd artist show.. I hated.. so not worth writing about!
Next Stop..
Stux Gallery.. to see the Ruud Van Empel Show..Perfection/Imperfection: New Photographs
on view till February 18th. All I can say.. is this artist is Hot, Hot, Hot, See previous MAO posting on Photo LA..
Well, It is very interesting work.. it's like Loretta Lux but on Digital Steroids.. Or is it a photographic/Digital Henri Rousseau? I'm not sure.. But, talk about tweaking
the hell out of an image up! These photo's are amazing to see. But is it art?? These Hyper Color's that are so glossy, and slick, but the images are still tender with a storybook ideal.
So, with any Hot Artist.. as expected, so to are the equally shocking hot prices.. This one was already up to $24k (edition of 9) OUCH! That's insane a lot for a new artist's digital prints. Has any of this work even been in a museum show once yet?? Well.. YES, I guess (Thanks to ArtInfo Weekly today) we're about to see some at the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art just outside Kansas City... See story. Also, the George Eastman House in Rochester, NY will have a show featuring the work.
Last and Final Stop for the day..
Daniel Cooney Fine Art.
"Sarah Pickering Explosions"..on view till February 25th. Don't mess with this chick.. her photo's are packing quite a punch!
The show has had great rewviews.. Soo Artforum Critic's Picks, Washington Post and Gallery Hopper. They have already blogged a bit about how cool this show is.. I agree.
These large images are much better in person than anything you'll see online.
While I was there gossiping talking with Gallery Owner Dan (way too nice to be an art dealer).... phenomenal Photo Artist, Bill Jacobson stopped by.. and what's funny,
He said "These Sarah Pickering work remind me of the Wizard Of Oz.." Maybe that's why one dealer once told me Bill was a Friend of Dorothy's... Hmmm...
the jin meyerson looks alot like an Erro from the 60's but blander.
Boccioni Rules !! (as does cindy)
Posted by: A.J. | February 09, 2006 at 03:20 PM
I like the pigs.
Posted by: El MarvelOso | February 09, 2006 at 04:05 PM
OK, so I totally changed my mind. Remember when you said you were going to buy me a Ruud Van Empel, cause you are rich and have too much art and I'm just starting and all... Well, rather than the Van Empel I want the lemon pigs installation. They are so cute and would look perfect in the corner of my apt. You can buy me the Van Empel too, but I'm not greedy, so the pigs will do just fine.
Posted by: Juan Penalosa | February 10, 2006 at 06:29 PM
Boozhy... sounds like you've been drinking heavy again?? Me, Buy you art?? Well.. Maybe if you win the next MAO Art Quiz!!
But why the LemonPigs??
Posted by: Mike @ MAO | February 12, 2006 at 01:26 PM