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February 28, 2006

More March Art Auction Mania?? Maybe!

First off... Happy Fat Tuesday & Mardi Gras Everyone!

Secondly.. Tomorrow, March 1st, is the next MAO Art Quiz.. and seeming the last quiz was answered correctly by several astute MAO readers within 10 minutes of the quiz post.. you can expect this month to be just a bit more difficult! Good Luck All!

Well.. I was quite depressed last week.  For the first time in probably over 5 years I didn't win even Steichen one freaking lot at all the February Photography Auctions.. I came close on a few.. that $2,928,000 Edward Steichen's "The Pond - Moonlight" was almost within my grasp, granted I would of needed to sell Dr. Quiz into slavery our East Hampton House (aka.. Pupschwitz) to pay for it.. But for some strange reason, insanity frugalness got the best of me! Go Figure !! Who knew I had such remarkable restraint and could actually stop bidding once they started setting new record high prices.

C'est La Vie.. March is a new month!! Which means new opportunities to waste spend Dr. Quiz's hard earned money at the art auction. 

Here's a few of the NYC coming attractions...

  1. Phillips - Artist for Chinati, Contemporary Art March 13th
  2. Phillips - Under the Influence, Contemporary Art, March 14th
  3. Sotheby's Contemporary Art Auction, March 15th
  4. Christies - First Open, Post War and Contemporary Art, March 16th
  5. Christies - Modern and Contemporary Art March 30th
  6. Sotheby's Contemporary Art Asia : China Japan Korea March 31st


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I would like to buy a vowel… or at least a picture of one.

Mike, here's a link to my newsletter story on the Steichen almost $3 million image. There is more here about the background of this sale than other web sources.

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