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February 15, 2006

William Kentridge At MOMA

Keeping with this week's MAO political theme postings...

Tonight started a 6 day showing of all the William Kentridge Films at MOMA. I've not seen all these short films yet.. but just picked up tickets for Monday night.... I believe the Public Art Fund showed these films this summer in Central Park.. but it poured down rain.. See slide show of People sitting in the rain watching the films. Yuk! Think hot,wet, crowded, and buggy.. not fun.

Kentridge01aThis is the South African Artist's deeply personal animated films about the complex and often violent history of apartheid. Show times : Wednesday, February 15, 8:30; Thursday, February 16, 8:00; Friday, February 17, 8:00; Saturday, February 18, 6:00; Sunday, February 19, 5:00; Monday, February 20, 8:00.

Here's MOMA's brief description of this 78 min film :
    William Kentridge’s 9 Drawings for Projection (2005). This feature-length 35mm film, composed of nine short animated films made between 1989 and 2003, traces the public and private life of Soho Eckstein, a mine owner, land developer, and cuckold, against the ever-changing social and political realities of South Africa. Kentridge (b. 1955, Johannesburg) begins his films with a single drawing that he alters, adds to, and subtracts from, bit by bit, photographing each change.

Also... William Kentridge has got a new show at Marian Goodman Gallery...WILLIAM KENTRIDGE: The Magic Flute: Drawings and Projections, which runs till Feb 25th.  This show features 50 working drawings, fragments, a 20 minute film, and a complete working mini-theater model which were used in the production of Kentridge's recent interpretation  of the Mozart opera (Theatre Royal de la Monnaie, Brussels, spring 2005).
Here's a review by...
                Art In America by Faye Hirsch


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