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March 03, 2006

Andy Warhol & Kota Ezawa at The 2006 Whitney Biennial - 3rd MAO Art Quiz

3rd MAO Art Quiz..

We have a Winner!! In under 8 hours! I think the next quiz will just have to be a bit harder!

The works were correctly identified by several MAO quizlings.
But only one brave "Art Soldier" took up the challenge to find the current museum show where both of these pieces are featured.  NB : An honorable mention goes out to my bud JG, who would have won, but she forced me to stand out in the damn frigid cold for an hour in a half Thursday night because SHE JUST HAD TO GET INTO THE WHITNEY BIENNIAL! And Now I'm sick with a bad cold!! But I digress...

Quiz3_b_1 So, The first work, was by

Kota Ezawa "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" 2005 Video, Color, silent.

  This video, is the artists color cartoon version of 2 famous tragic historic events. The famed grainy 8mm Zepruder film of the JFK assassination, and he has weaved it together with images from the 1915  D.W. Griffith's epic film The Birth of a Nation about the Abe Lincoln assassination at Fords Theater . Quiz3_a_1

The second work was Andy Warhol's Electric Chair, 1971 Color Screenprint.

It's a super famous classic Warhol mass media work. I just love this versions hot fire red and yellow.. almost making it look like the electric chair is somewhere in the depths of hell!!

Both of these works are currently at The Whitney, in the Wrong Gallery's Biennial contribution. (Rogue's Gallery) The show is named "Down by Law".   Where it explores the myths of the American Outlaw. The group show was curated by a team lead by artist Maurizio Cattelan.  The one-room exhibition-within-an-exhibition is on the Gilman G mezzanine.  This show also features works by MAO favorite artists.. Felix Gonzalez-Torres, David Wojnarowicz, Robert Mapplethorpe, Fred Tomaselli, Larry Clark, Paul Cadmus, Vik Muniz, Kara Walker, and Weegee. 

I found this story/interview Download WrongGalleryReview.txt by Carly Berwick of Bloomberg News about the "Down by Law" show with the Wrong Gallery's curatorial team.

Lastly for those who are not yet familiar with Kota Ezawa's work.. I've been told he will be the featured Artist speaking at the up coming Guggenheim SuperCinema: Materials Lecture on Tuesday March 14th at 6:30pm http://www.guggenheim.org/education/tours_lectures.shtml

FYI... So Art Soldier wisely chose a membership to the American Association of Museums.

Nice Job.. and good luck to all for next months Art Quiz!


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MAO Honey.. Don't blame JG for your cold.. you got that on your own from kissing every Tom, Dick, and Harry at the bars last weekend!

Wow... not even one sympathy/getwell cold comment.. :-(

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