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March 14, 2006

NY Art Fair Mania - Pulse, Scope and The Armory!

I think 3 art fairs in one weekend was more than enough, so we never got to ArtLA (there's art in LA?) or DIVA, though the name alone had Dr. Quiz interested!

Art Fair Mania Day 1: Went to The Pulse NY FAIR - VIP/Collectors brunch on Friday for 2 hours.
Pulse_artasault Better than I had expected, it was not jammed, and the dealers were still fresh and friendly.
Most of the booths had some sold works, but were not yet filled with red dots everywhere!!
Lots of great photography! Several artist standouts to keep a watch-out for possible future MAO art collection acquisitions...

I was also impressed with some of the quality of the Impulse Exhibition..

Loved those huge Robert Moran Botas by Mackey Gallery from Houston, and of course

Jennifer Dalton's "The Collector-ibles" Cabinet by Plus Ultra Gallery! Art_makes_me_horny

(Photo #1 - Pulse on 27th street side of the building)

(Photo #2 - The Art of Aaron Krach, Bumper Stickers, still in it's shipping box @ DCKT Contemporary)

Art Fair Mania... Day 2:

The Sat morning museum member/collectors preview at the Armory Show.
Picture_010When we arrived it was not  a madhouse yet.. But, it already had the feeling of being heavily  picked through. I'm always shocked by the way people rush to buy at these events.. I guess I'll never understand it. It's a art fair.. not just a shopping mall, right?

Not much photography to see. Was not impressed by what I saw being shown in many of the booths.. very much the same old works/artists I had seen in Art Basel Miami.

Julian Opie (Photo #3 by Artforum) and Candida Hofer work seemed to be almost everywhere. 

Unfortunately, the battery in my camera died.. so didn't get photo's of the few works I loved.. Barry McGee installation by Deitch Projects, and the new AVAF work at JCP.  By 2 pm the piers got too insanely crowded with the crazed art buying masses..so we couldn't see much after that..

IluvnyNY Art Fair Mania Day 3 : ~Scope NY

So Sunday.. no rest for the Modern Art Obsessed.. Got there early, so not too crowded yet.

I have to admit.. I liked the gritty/non-polished feeling of this fair. It just has a more cutting edge environment to it.. nice buzz in the place..Not so UES pretentious. Plus it didn't feel like a one-day sale at Macy's.

The few standouts..

- Jonathan Seliger at Ciel from Quebec (photo #4)

- Nina Levy at Metaphor Contemporary Art Brooklyn (photo #5)

- Sarah Pickering at Daniel Cooney Fine Art from NYC

-Chris Dorland at Wendy Cooper Gallery from Chicago


These Last 2 pictures.. Both were from the exhibitions going on at ~scope.. Not sure who did the head filled with buckshot (Photo #6).. maybe it was Art by Vice President Dick Chaney!

And the last picture (photo #7) was from a performance piece which was going on in the front lobby on Sunday.Blownhead

But 3 days of Art Fair Mania was enough for this collector.  Overall it was a fun time.. with minimal brain damage to the wallet, and much to my surprise, I learned about some interesting new artists and galleries.



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I laughed aloud twice at, "Art by Vice President Dick Chaney!"

ZOE!! Yes.. Loved the work!! Plus any chance to poke fun at the Republicans and NRA.. is a win win!

Hello ! This is very [url=http://www.google.com/bb497]good[/url] site !!

We were actually hoping on doing the Scope Hamptons show this summer and then Scope New York in 2007 but as a gallery specializing in Inuit art and Native art, we find that it is difficult at this time to meet the Scope requirements of having mainly works by one artist (or even five for themes). We will have to consider other alternatives for our first shows in the U.S.


Free Spirit Gallery

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