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March 29, 2006

Rock Star Popularity for a Figurative Painter!!

Went to see John Currin talk at the New School last night... I guess I was right.. it was a MAO Must See.. cause every seat in the huge auditorium was taken!! There was even a line of 20+ poor ticket-less people waiting on stand-by in the lobby!!

Johncurrin_wife John is a very fun and entertaining speaker. While, I don't think I learned anything new.. John was everything you'd hope for from a over-hyped painter with such rock star celebrity status.

One of the most representative lines of the night was when John put up a slide of his painting "The Wizard" circa 1994 (pictured here).  He stuttered a bit, then grinned.. but managed to sheepishly say.. "...I shouldn't say this.. but, this was the first painting I made when I first met my current wife!"

Well.. I guess that's enough said on Mr. Currin!

I'm looking forward to hearing Vik Muniz lecture tonight at ICP.. no doubt it will also be standing room only..   But hopefully Vik will fill the room with a little more talk of artistic insight, and a bit less T & A!


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It looks imPRESSionistic.

A few years back, I went to John Currin's exhibit at the Whitney. It was great to see how the artists progressed. His later works were simply amazing. His early works, in my opion, not so much.

he gave a slide talk with robert storr at the 92nd street y a few years back and i remember when that image came up he stuttered a bit too, and unlike the explanations that he had given for all of the other works he said he didnt know what to make of it.

Can't help but think of Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mr. Rogers whenever I see this painting.

BTW, love your blog.


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