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April 12, 2006

Trenton Doyle Hancock and Fred Tomaselli at James Cohan Gallery

Renton_hancock Last night my pal JG and I went to a well attended book signing and lecture by two hot artists,
Trenton Doyle Hancock, and Fred Tomaselli at The James Cohan Gallery.

Well..as expected.. these are two very colorful people!! Just take a look at Trenton's last show catalog (Photo #1)! He's not exactly a stuffy, too serious for themselves, ego manic successful painter!
Trenton's work was included in the 2000 Whitney Biennial where the catalog stated

"While Hancock's art is often spun from dream and life experience, much of his subject matter deals with basic human needs and urges, the exploration of life's bottom lines - eating, digesting, defecating - as typified in, And for My next trick, I'll...


Fist of all, his new book, "Me A Mound," published by Picturebox (WHO?) and distributed by D.A.P. is a true work of Art.

Even the always difficult to please thoughtful JG was impressed with the book, and he's an art book publisher!  And everyone knows what those book people are like!! The new book is a retrospective of Hancock's work complete with an amusing storyline in an almost comic book style.


Secondly, the panel moderator was a total bore bit too formal! So luckily Fred Tomaselli did more of the questioning. (see photo's 2 & 3)

Trenton seems like a pretty down home boy modest guy, with a very funny creative mind. Plus, he was super engaging when he signed our book! (Photo #4). THANKS Trenton!!

In the new show.. we just loved the Me Mound waves around the room, plus the work Vegan Arm, 2006, has a Me Mound filled bucket in the front gallery (Photo #5). Now.. here's a secret.. Trenton told us the Hot Pink Me Mound in the bucket is really just Cherry Pepto Bismol!!!

So, after looking at the work, It's not hard to tell why Trenton and Fred seem like friends. While their styles are very different, their work both share similar wacky Bucket_pepto and whimsical social messages.

For what it's worth.. David Velasco wrote up The Current Show in Artforum's Critic's Picks this month.

Here is David's write-up.. Download Hancock_06show.pdf

Trenton Hancock's show at the James Cohen Gallery is both funny and his complex images, amazing.  So, if you haven't seen it yet, it's well worth rushing over before the show closes on April 15th!

And don't worry, if after seeing the show you have heart burn, or indigestion.. you'll know where to find a few gallons of Pepto-Bismol !!


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Looks like a really fun show!

Looks like a really fun show!

Have you seen the Fred Tomaselli edition that Creative Time has? Its kind of psychedelic, a really nice work. Takes politics with a sense of humor.

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