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May 05, 2006

House of CAMPARI and 25 Bold Moves

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!  So.. There's a new impressive gallery space in SOHO!!
Compari_galleryIt's sponsored by the global beverage group CAMPARI. And what goes well with CAMPARI... but Emerging Art of course!

Their first new show named "25 Bold Moves - An Exhibition of Contemporary Art" was curated by Simon Watson and Craig Hensala of Scenic. The very interesting show features the promising work of 25 new emerging artists.

Most of which have been (or will soon have) shows in some of NYC most innovative galleries.

Last night's opening party was filled with the "beautiful people" (and us?) of the NYC cutting edge art world....which of course means..lots of bright-eyed Art Bloggers, and Art WebMasters !!!

Simonwhatson_chrisdorlandHere's a photo of Simon Watson being filmed in front of a amazing Chris Dorland Painting, named "Event Horizon, 2005." Chris will have a show at Ed's wonderful Plus Ultra Gallery in the Fall.

My pal Dutch and I enjoyed the show and the a few too many tasty CAMPARI drinks! There were several other standout works..(More to be shown....once I sober up) 

Here's one of my other favorite works featured by Toronto artist Scott Treleaven who recently had a show at John Connelly Presents. Treleaven_bouquetThe work is called "Bouquet of Bones, 2005," it's collage and ink on paper. Totally adorable.

The new CAMPARI gallery space is at 382 West Broadway, and this group show only runs through May 21st... so you've got to see it fast!

This was a good start, and we're looking forward to seeing what comes next for this new CAMPARI gallery space.


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Hi, Mike. Perhaps you have us confused? I think I'm more the webmaster than James, as I'm the ArtCat and ArtCal person. He just types stuff into what I set up!

It was good to see you last night.

Hey Barry,
LOL!! Good to see you guys!
OK.. I was using the "Art Webmaster" term in a somewhat generic fashion..for online art blogger..

But I'll of course switch them as not to confuse anyone with who's doing all the "real" work over there!

MAO..love the blog!

Scott Treleaven's last show at JCP was really great...too bad most of the vapid art press never wrote about it!

I see that you chose one of my better photos for your link... veddy nice...

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