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May 16, 2006

My Broker, My Therapist ??

A Small Digression... Hopefully you didn't miss possibly the most stupid! funniest story I've seen written in the Sunday Times this year, "My Broker, My Therapist."Download my_broker_my_therapist_new_york_times.txt

Beaverhausen All I can say.. I don't know who's more fucked up nuts.. the NYC real estate Markets, the real estate brokers or their crazy NY clients!

And FYI.. for all those bitch queens who emailed me to ask..

No!!  It wasn't Dr. Quiz who was quoted as the East Hampton frustrated wife..

"Public fighting is the worst," said Diane Saatchi, a senior vice president of the Corcoran Group East End in East Hampton. She described the frustrated wife, shopping for a $3 million summer home, who turned to her husband and uttered one line that said it all: "I wish you had a good job so we didn't have to live like this." 


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Dr Quiz..looks so great in FFUURRRR!!

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