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June 06, 2006

Shirin Neshat at Creative Time

Shirin_neshat_at_creativetime_1Last week was the Creative Time Benefit Celebration, honoring artist/photographer Shirin Neshat.
They featured 3 of her great movies (Passage 2001, Tooba 2002, and The Last Word 2003), and had a short Q&A session between Shirin and very tall performance Artist Marina Abramovic. (Photo #1)

Unfortunately during their brief talk, there was a huge thunderstorm, and much to everybodies shock, water began to flow heavily into the old 12th street movie theater. Luckily Shirin is the consummate professional, and while many of the benefit attendees went screaming running for cover, Shirin completed her Q&A session.

At this Creative Time event they also featured a  very nice Art Auction to benefit the charity.
There were several interesting works donated by many well respected artists.

They even auctioned off one of the recently sold out Creative Time Marilyn Minter "Shit Kickers" images, which was a March'06 MAO Art Deal of the month.

FYI.. it was initially available in April for only a small $500 donation, but for all those lucky MAO readers owners, at last weeks benefit auction the price went well over $1650. I didn't see what the final winning bid was.. but it looked great.. and people were bidding it up!

Smurf_at_creative_timeHere's a photo of my cute FI Housemate and friend "The Smurf," heavily drinking and looking at some of the various art auction items. You know.. whenever I see pictures of my friend, The Smurf.. I think.. He looks pretty good for 42. What do you think? Sexy?

Neither one of us were lucky enought to buy anything at the auction.. but it was fun watching everyone wait till the last possible minute to sneak put in their silent bids.


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Hey Mao, You forgot about the freaky, I mean, "interesting" vocalist at the beginning of the Creative Time gala. Also, I may have S&P hair, but I'm no 42! That would make Dr. Quiz 60.

S&P is always good! So, are you Pappa Smurf or Smurfette?

Definitely a Smurfette! It's a shame the picture's so dark, or else you could see her best ASSet.

I saw last night! But alas, he did not wear his white cap.

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