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August 01, 2006

The August MAO Art Quiz

Appropriate or inappropriate appropriations.. ?  I'm still obsessed thinking about the topic, and Kota Ezawa's Nan Goldin appropriation from last weeks image of the week. Sadly, not many readers commented.  Thanks.. AJ your thoughts were much appreciated!  But, thinking about contemporary artists appropriating the work of other contemporary artists, you can't help wonder if it's just artistic mental masterbation  all too insular, and does the current copycat artist really add anything new to the original work of art they are copying appropriating? Hmm...

Keeping in this twisted mind set, this months August MAO Art Quiz are two very different types of contemporary art appropriations.  Also, the last few months of quiz were answered way too quickly in under 10 minutes, so this quiz needed to be a bit more difficult. So we'll see how long this one takes...and which Art Genius steps up to the challenge!

In both cases, these are photographers appropriating other contemporary artworks.

So to win, first the easy part, please give the names of the original appropriated art works, and the original brilliant artist who's work which as been appropriated.

Then, the hard part, give the two names of the current copycats artist who created each of these current photo's.

Image A Aug_artquiza

Image B Aug_artquizb

The first person in with ALL the correct answers gets to pick their favorite charity for a generous donation to be made in their honor.

Good Luck!

You can also email your answers to [email protected]

So, what do you think, are these truly new art works, or just bad photo imitations of great original works? Have these artists really added anything new to the art world or have they just added too much cash to their retirement accounts ?  Will any of these new approprations really stand the test of time or will they quickly fade into art world obscurity?


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Hey MAO,
Difficult quiz, I know the originals, but have no idea who created these new images.

PS. just love the line about artistic mental masterbation!

is the first image a David Maisel version of Smithson's Spiral Jetty, and the 2nd Morimura's version of Cindy Sherman's Untitled-96 ??
love love love Cindy, and Morimura is golden!

Great images..

But, who is David Maisel?

Image A is "Terminal Mirage # 251-4" by David Maisel, appropriating Robert Smithson's "Spiral Jetty".
Image B is by >>>, appropriating one of Cindy Sherman's "Centerfolds".

Maisel's work is hardly a copycat work as it fits within a much larger body that is reinforced through this one "celebrity appearance" by Spiral Jetty. I'm less familiar with >>>, so I can't comment definitively, but it does appear to be little more than a duplication of Sherman's image.

It is so frustrating that I cannot figure out who >>> is.

I think Vik Muniz for Smithson, and Morimura for Sherman.

Hey.. Everyone...
I think someone already posted the correct answer!

Right MAO??

I could only get question number 1. I'm not fond of appropriation unless there's something subversive about it.

iekcnmsjd qxpfhsica csnpi yqmv oxhqbmji inesljhbw avhtkg

iekcnmsjd qxpfhsica csnpi yqmv oxhqbmji inesljhbw avhtkg

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