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October 27, 2006

Madison Square With Chuck Close, Mitch Epstein, and Dayanita Singh

There's a Photography project on display for a few more weeks, Cities In Transition at Madison Square Park. Billboard sized photos from Chuck Close, Mitch Esptein and Dayanita Singh are on display. The project focus is documenting the changing faces of American city life.


New York (Chuck Close), Boston (Mitch Epstein) and Hartford, CT (Dayanita Singh) are the three focus cites.

(Photo # 1 & 2 by Chuck Close )

view of the Chuck Close portraits
was taken from
of the Flatiron

Others are along the
Cities_in_transition_chuck_close_3Broadway and 23rd street
of the

Work by Mitch Epstein & Dayanita Singh are inside.

It's been said before.. the park is now amazing. Madison Square has been transformed from a crime ridden vagrant filled urban blight to a cool oasis in just a few years.

Now, you can see posh/chic young art dealers like the girls at DCKT sipping Long Island Ice Teas at lunch on the parks Shake Shack Webcam


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Wow! That's the first time you called us "Posh". Thanks!!!

Hey KT..
Sure thing.. I'm just not sure who's Posh and Who's Chic in your art duo!!

Though I think we all know who would be drinking a Long Island Ice Tea for her Lunch at the shack!

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