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October 04, 2006

Photo NY - The Fall Shopping Season

Brianulrich_chicago2003 Well.. if you didn't get your "Fare Share" of art shopping in, at last weekends 212 Art Fair..

Then you're in luck.. this weekend is Photo NY.  And while this fair only has a few major photography dealers..which must explain why I didn't receive a free pass they are having some interesting speakers. Here is the schedule..

FYI.. Sadly, In an effort to squeeze every possible penny out of these events.. you have to pay extra to attend these Lectures and Seminars!! $75 for the Seminars and $10 for each lecture. Well.. I certainly hope these people are getting paid to appear & speak!

Friday, October 6th
10am: Collecting Seminar with Rick Wester (Director of Photography at Phillips Auction House)

Saturday, October 7th
10am: Collecting Seminar with Stephen Perloff (Editor of Photo Review)

Sunday, October 8th
9am: The New Curator seminar

Charlotte Cotton, Head of Cultural Programmes, Art + Commerce
Christiane Paul, Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts at the Whitney Museum of American Art
Brian Wallis, Director of Exhibitions, ICP
Deborah Willis, PhD, Professor of Photography and Imaging, Tisch School of the Arts at (NYU)Moderated by Trudy Wilner Stack (Was the curator at The Center of Creative Photography)

1:30pm: Lecture with David Levinthal (A Big Time Established Art Photographer)
3pm: Lecture with Alex Webb (A Big Deal Photojournalist)

Note : Above Photo by Brian Ulrich, "Chicago, IL" 2003


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Yo, MAO. You were /offered/ a free pass!!!

Right.. thanks Brian!!

You're the best!!!

But it was much funnier the way I wrote it!! ;-)

What did you think of PhotoNY? We did receive a free pass, and used it, but after attending, I'm wishing we would have given it away. Ps. I hate Campari.

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