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November 03, 2006

FUR - An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus Staring Nicole Kidman

So.. anyone who's anyone in the NYC Art Photography world was at MOMA this Tuesday night for the US Premier of the new Diane Arbus movie FUR : An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus... well.. everyone except the film's star Nicole Kidman!!  Apparently she snubbed rubbing elbows with MAO and friends to spend time with her drug addict husband Keith Urban who is at least not a closeted gay like Cruise currently staying at a rehabilitation center in Nashville. Well...at least Director Steven Shainberg spoke a bit about the making of the movie.

Nicole_kidman_fur The film is absolutely wonderful! Don't miss this one when it opens to all the little people on November 10th. One major warning... this movie is most certainly not a documentary nor has any real connection with the true life Patricia Bosworth biography on Diane Arbus. Despite the book's credit on the movie, it's a total joke fictional story, with many fictional characters. And while it does feature some real people in Diane's life, like her husband Allan Arbus and her FUR peddling parents, the entire film takes place in just a three month period of 1958.

It's a great love story, we laughed, we cried, but if you were hoping to learn anything about Diane Arbus... ForgetAboutIt!

Just read the book..cause it's very good!


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What's a "drug attic"?

Jeeeze KT!! Picky..Picky..Picky.. Plus they don't have spell checkers good enough to cover for my level of stupidity!!

They don't have drug attics in the Hamptons Kenny?

NO! Of course not! Don't be SILLY! They have them all on Fire Island, which is why I've never been there.

Now if you'll excuseme, I need to get back to praying for Pastor Haggard.

I'm sure he likes it when you're on your knees "praying"...

Touche, girl!

Gotta weigh in on this one, MAO. While the Bosworth biography may be entertaining, it is notoriously one of the most irresponsible bios out there with huge errors, exaggerations, and much speculation. It must also be enjoyed with a grain of salt.

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