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December 04, 2006

30 Hours in SoBe.. The Quiet Before The Storm


Art Basel Miami..
T + 30.

So Dr. Quiz and I have been in South Beach, Miami for just about 30 hours now.

The rest of the NYC Art Masses should be here Tomorrow.

Just a few observations..

  • The entire city has turned into an Art Fair: BASEL, PULSE, SCOPE, Photo Miami, Aqua,etc..the signs are everywhere..
  • Our 30th Floor Condo rental is way more amazing then we expected..Thank you!! www.VRBO.com
  • This 70 degrees weather in Dec.. doesn't suck!
  • The beach is incredible..
  • The people here are way too beautiful..(ie.. I feel FAT!)
  • Being on vacation doesn't suck!
  • There's a flood of new Skyscrapers & Condo's going up in Miami..Can you say real estate crash?
  • The Clubs are filled till late at night, and the beach was filled this early Monday morning..doesn't anyone here actually work for a living? (God I feel OLD!)
  • Looking forward to the Big Tuesday night kickoff for NADA and Photo Miami fairs tomorrow night.

(And no.. that's not me or Dr.Quiz in the photo.. It's by one of the MAO Favorite Photographers.. Lisette Model.. "Coney Island, 1941")


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Sounds like South Beach is the place to be right now - New York was pretty chilly yesterday, and when I woke up in Toronto this morning there was snow on the ground :( Enjoy the art fairs - I'll be curious to see your latest acquisition(s). What's Dr. Quiz going to do while you're arting all week?

Thanks.. Mikey..
I'm dragging Dr. Quiz along for some of the art...until Jeff aka "The Mayor" gets into town Wed night!!

Don't forget about the Bridge Art Fair - also Saturday evening at the Go Go Gallery, 2233 NW 1st Place, Miami - opening reception December 9th 7-9pm. I'll have work in both places, stop by and say hello Mao!

Hey James..
Congrats on having your work up, at 2 places, that's great!

We'll most certianly stop by The Bridge Art Fair either Thursday or Friday. Enjoy SoBe!
Hope to meet you!

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