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December 29, 2006

Naughty or Nice? A Post Christmas Art Outing in NYC

So most of the Art World is closed for the entire week in NYC... just one of the many signs that times are too good.

So Dr. Quiz and I have spent the last few days fattening ourselves up for the long cold winter. But while I was looking through the bottom of my empty tasty pudding bowl, I was surprised to read in this weeks TimeOut Magazine, Andrea K. Scott's "The Best (and Worst) of 2006"  a positive listing for the current show at the newly re-opened Bronx Museum. Hence an Art plan for this weekend; dust off the Atlas.. and find trek up to the Bronx. It's a show of Brazilian Art from the 1960's to today.. guest-curated by Carlos Basualdo, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. So how bad can it be??? Plus, I just loved the Banner Ad for the show by AVAF...

So?? anyone up for a road trip to the Bronx? Has anyone reading ever been to the Bronx this museum?? Do we need to bring a language interpretor our passports?

Tropicália: A Revolution in Brazilian Culture


(Photo #1: assume vivid astro focus,Baby, 2003, Floor sticker,Dimensions variable)

The show has recieved several rave reviews :

  1. 5 Stars from Joseph R. Wolin of TimeOut Magazine
  2. New York Magazine, Review by Mark Stevens
  3. NY Times review by Holland Cotter
  4. Jamie O'Shea of the Blog supertouch
  5. Ariella Budick and Justin Davidson of Newsday


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I'm from the bronx and am going up their this weekend.

But Mike you are so hillarious and rich and witty it's WAY beneath you to EVER be seen in the Bronx or doing shots in bathroom stalls for that matter...

I can't believe you're still going to art museums over the new years eve weekend... don't you ever take a break!

And the Bronx are fine.. just brush up on your spanglish!

Happy New Year!

What a fantastic blog!!
I loved how detailed each of the entries were.
They were well balanced - fun and informative - and the pictures were great too.

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