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December 07, 2006

~Scope Miami Preview...

Yesterday we went to ~Scope Miami.. So far... our favorite fair so far...
It felt much bigger and better than last year. Congrats guys!! And since most people were fighting the insanity crowds at the main Art Basel Fair preview, it was much more pleasurable to walk around, see and talk with the dealers.

Some of he MAO Standouts were...

  • Nicholas & Sheila Pye's photo's at Curator's Office Gallery from DC (Yes.. there are galleries in DC!)
  • Sarah Pickering at Daniel Cooney Fine Art
  • David Huffman's paintings at Patricia Sweetow Gallery
  • Paulina Lasa's small Gas Stations light box at Art & Idea
  • Maria und Natalia Petschatnikov paintings at Hermann & Wagner
  • Sarah Hobbs photo work at SOLOMON Projects

I'll post some more & photo's tonight.. right now my head is still hurting from all the cocktails sights.
David_huffman_scope_miami_juus_dakar(Photo #1 of David Huffman painting Juuu's Dakar mixed Media 66 x50)

Photo #2 Sarah Hobbs 2 photographs at Salomon Projects


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Loved the Pickering photos @ Cooney! My partner and I liked her work so much that we purchased one.

Thanks David! I am sure that you will be happy with it!!


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