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January 29, 2007

Photographic work by Ukrainian Artist, Arsen Savadov

The work of Arsen Savadov is on display at the "Post-Inaugural Exhibition" group show at the new Daneyal Mahmood Gallery. The show is up till February 3rd, at this 511 25th street gallery.

Arsen_savadovcollectivered4_b_1 We saw his work only once before at Scope Miami.. but upon seeing some of his additional work a second time.. they immediately sparked what's left of our memory.

His powerful photography work from the "Collective Red" series 1998  (photo #1), has a visceral physicality you won't soon be able to forget.  Our understanding, from the surprisingly friendly and engaging gallery staff this weekend, was these are straight photographs. They are obviously significantly staged images, but they are made without any computer enhancement.  Very impressive. Apparently, from looking at his bio, he's had some notable success in Europe..but, we think the artist is somewhat unknown to most NYC collectors.   

So, what do you think of Arsen Savadov's work?

  • Looks like Oscar material, or more like something out of Rocky Part XVI ?
  • Grade-A prime choice photographic work.. or where's the Beef??
  • Less filling, tastes great?
  • Too much Andres Serrano want-to-be, or a true original artistic vision?
  • High quality unsettling moving work.. or just a whole lot of bull?

Arsen_savadov_bloody_mary It's certainly work worth checking out.. we were told the Daneyal Mahmood Gallery will have a solo show of his work in April of this year, which will consist of mostly painting....so, we're looking forward to seeing more work from this artist...

We certainly will also keep a close eye on the smart/nice people at the Daneyal Mahmood Gallery  and their up and coming gallery program..


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Does that mean you were on the third floor of my building and didn't pay a visit? I feel highly slighted Mr. MAO.

Hey Dan!!
LOL! Too sensitive..

1. There's only so much MAO to go around!

2. I did stop by your gallery 2 weeks ago to pick something up.. but you had your wonderful, Patrick (filling in) doing your job for you ;-)

See you soon!

that is certainly some powerful work


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