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February 22, 2007

THE ART SHOW - ADAA Preview Party.. Air Kisses all around!

So there was Martha Stewart, Mary Tyler Moore, Donald Marron, Byron Wien, Peter Max, Roger Altman,Warhol_dollarsigns_1 Jeffrey Deitch, a sea of endless hedge fun managers, and MAO. Let's just say.. it was the lemmings who's who of the NYC art world.

Like didn't we just do this 3 months a go.. but in warm weather?

Actually all liposuction and the obvious botox joking aside... this upper east side crowd seemed a bit thinner than last years preview.. where was everyone, can we say art overload?

But the ADAA show did not disappoint. I think I've not see so many million dollar paintings for sale in such a long time at least 3 months.  And, just like MIAMI, almost everything was sold..sold ..sold..by the end of the preview night.

Even these super simple photorealistic, overpriced new works ($50,000 each) by unknown artists Glen Hansen and Colin Brown at the Fischbach Gallery were all sold out by the nights end... Just goes to prove.. these silly Warhol_mao_barbara_mathes_gallerymulti-millionaires people will buy almost anything that looks pretty over the sofa at the ADAA fair.

(Photo #1, just seemed to sum up the night..I think it was the Washburn Gallery Booth..all sold of course!)

Some of the the highlights...

  • Vintage Robert Frank, Vik Muniz, Robert Polidori  and Sally Mann at the booth of photography dealer Edwynn Houk.

Louise_bourgeois_cheim_and_reedWe rate the 3 best booths :

A few last observations..

1. Almost no new artists work were displayed.

2. Not much color photography, and almost no video/new media. And

3. Jeeeze, the "People" over at L & M Arts have way too much money!! Their booth easily had over $20 million the annual GDP of a third world country in art.  You think they'd consider an adult adoption program ?

More to come.. so many art fairs.. so little time.


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I think the cindy sherman centerfold photo is actually a Japanese artist who's name I can't remember right now....Male photographer...

Wow.. Yes Frank.. It is Yasumasa Murimura (he did a great copy of the Cindy Sherman I wanted to post..but coudldn't find on the web)..

So.. I was only joking when I used it.. I actually wanted to see if anyone would catch it. ;-)

Happy Art Fair!

I'm the Winner!!! Do check out my friend Kim Lights gallery at the LAArt fair....She has some great new photo based work (with sound!) by a young artist named Case Simmons.....

Hey, if L&M can't have it at the ADAA, where the heck can they have it? Plus, they're such nice people! That Maureen, nicest person North of 34th street!

The retail price for the Sherman centerfold was $1,100,000, and was sold prior to the opening. You missed one of the best and most important pieces in the entire fair at Marion goodman's booth - the John Baldessari 'Commissioned Painting' from 1969. It was only for museum sale (no 'private collector' type museums - only a true 'public' institution), there was no discount, and the price was $2,000,000.

And how could have possibly missed mentioning the AMAZING booth of Fraenkel Gallery - all those gorgeous vintage Arbus photos, including "Boy with Toy Hand Grenade?"

The Fraenkel Gallery has had exactly the same booth at the ADAA fair for the last 3 years!!

Arbus is amazing, Fraenkel has many great artists, but all he shows at every fair is almost only Arbus!

Arbus Arbus Arbus!!
It's Dull, Dull Dull!
Enough already.

Nice comment about the Fischbach artists. Colin Brown's stuff is so technically advanced, especially the combination of materials, but I doubt you caught that in 3 minutes you spent there. If pricing of art is the problem then pick on someone like Bob Timberlake. I guess Brown needs to be pouring out some dysphoric tripe to show off his RISD degree that he doesn't have for you to be appreciative. It must burn you up that you and your roommate have to freeze in a dump out in Bushwick and this guy is making money. phbbt.

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