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February 21, 2007

Kamrooz Aram at Oliver Kamm Gallery

So before total Art Fair Mania begins... Like, how many art fairs are too many for one weekend in NYC?? Anyway.. there's a few new gallery shows well worth checking out.

Our first suggestion..

Cryptic_summit_kamrooz_aram The new Kamrooz Aram show at the Oliver Kamm/5BE Gallery should be on your Chelsea short list to see.

The shows title is Kamrooz Aram: Night Visions and Revolutionary Dreams. One of the most exciting aspects of being old a long-time contemporary collector, is seeing young talented artists progress and grow in their artistic development. This new show of Kamrooz work exhibited such growth. 

(Photo #1, Cryptic Summit, 2007, oil on canvas)

Kamrooz_aram_invisible_eminence If you saw his last solo show or his work at PS1's Greater NY exhibition during the Summer 2005, you'll quickly be able to notice this accomplishment. The new work is an exciting blend of cultural, political and art historical imagery.  Like his previous work, within these multi layered canvases, you'll also see several references to contemporary artists like, Ross Bleckner, and Thomas Ruff (night photos) well embedded along with his original style of art appropriation from the traditional visual language of Islamic art.  His efforts here are well accomplished, the results seem fresh, and provocative. At a time when we're bombarded by blunt and simple Iraq war art, Kamrooz has managed to create a complex dialog of the current political Islamic/American conflict but, filled with beauty and dream like mystery. We can't wait to see what he does next! (photo #2, Invisible Eminence, 2007, oil & stickers on canvas)

The Kamrooz Aram show is up till March 17th and if you want a break from the Art Fair crowds.. well worth the visit.


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You like this crap? Who would want to own this? And those DRAWINGS! Oy!

(I need to keep the prices low for my own self-interest, yo!)

Hey MAO..
I generally hate green paintings... but these look very cool!

I'll have to check out the show.

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