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February 14, 2007

Love through the Lens of a Great Woman Photographer - Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!! With A little love from Nan Goldin.

Nangoldin_valeris_and_gotscho_embracing__1 In keeping with our Great Women Photographers obsession theme this week.. Whenever we think of Hugs and Kisses.. No female photographer has done it better than Nan Goldin.. So while everyone knows her most famous "The Hug" image.. here are some of our other MAO favorites.. from NAN.

Photo # 1.

Valerie and Gotscho Embracing, Paris, 1999


Photo #2.

Valerie and Mel Maternal Embrace, St Remy, France, 2002

Nangoldin_simon_and_jessica_in_bed_faces Photo # 3.

Simon and Jessica in Bed, faces half-lit, Paris 2001

Nan_goldin_simon_and_jessica_in_shower Photo # 4.

Simon and Jessica in The Shower, Paris 2001

And then there's always this classic from her amazing book, The Ballad of Sexual Dependency.

Nangoldin_rise_and_mondty_kissing_nyc Photo #5

Rise and Monty Kissing, NYC 1988

It's very impressive how many great loving embrace photo's Nan has managed to make over the years. I love them all.

FYI.. There's a current show at Matthew Marks Gallery of early Nan Goldin's work.

Nan Goldin: 1972-74 And The Other Side, A Slide Installation.

The Show runs through April 14th.


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Happy Valentine's Day Mike...hope all is well. I loved that photo #4...such a great one. Miss you guys and hope all is well.


Nice touch. I'm going to copy you, sort of.

What do you think of the show at MM?


Thanks Dan..
I've not seen the Matthew Marks show yet.. hope to catch it this weekend.

Mao, great Valentine. Also like #4, is it in your collection?

Hey Mark..
I love the 4th one as well.. One of My best friends TeeBee has that amazing photo in his collection.

Both one and 3 are in the MAO collection... along with The Hug.

We saw some nice little drug store developed black and whites of Nan's at Seize sure Vingt http://www.16sur20.com/ this weekend. Some are the same images in the MM show. Great find while looking at really expensive shirts that we can't afford.

I think TeeBee has a new SP as of today.

whatever happened to Nan's images of men in love with men, were none of them worthy, are we still having problems with the ideas of men and romance...I recieved flowers chocolates and wisphers of love from men on February 14th is the great day supposed to be another selling point for twisted normalcy ? Let us not forget woman loving women when it is not to please a man...anyway sorry about the bitch. My fingers are stain with red ink.

Hey JohnnyB..
Good point.. I guess whenever I think of Nan at her best.. it's always an image of a man and a woman..

For man on man.. I generally think of Tillmans and Dugdale.
Have any women photographers done Man to Man affection well??

I was thinking maybe tenderness ,I finally got the Arthur Tress of the boys in shorts and the band-aid .I will have to go back and look at Nan's photographs more,I think she has must have done something that can be a romantic man on man image.The embrace, the touch the no tongue kiss that conveys closeness.I know I sound sappy it is what I do speaking of that, what about Duane Micheals and all that longing.

Those photos are quite provocative yet not offensive.


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