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February 16, 2007

MAO Buy of the Month - Sarah Pickering

So my little MAO-ettes, today we have a deal for you!!  We've talked about Sarah Pickering a few times, here and here.  She burst onto the photo scene only last year, but she's already made quite an impact.  Well.. you could say.. We got a bang out of her!! or maybe.. Sarah's the Bomb! or even.. She's a blast!!  But, in fact, Sarah's work even managed to get a rise out of this snarky influential art blogger.

Clearly, it's not just some smoke and mirrors act, so as you might expect, we just can't get enough of her mesmerizing explosions.  Her work just appeals to the pyromaniac (or should that be pyrotechniac?) in all of us.

Sarah_pickering_at_mocpAnyway.. this image (in it's original large format) has long since been sold-out.. mostly thanks to the super hard working people over at DCFA.   

But for only $300, now you too can have a small "firecracker" of a photo from the print program at MoCP.

Here's it is..

Sarah Pickering, Land Mine, 2005. 14" x 14" c-print, signed and numbered of an edition of 50.

We were also surprised to see they have some nice prints by Sarah Hobbs, Alex Webb still available too....worth checking out!


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Thanks Mike,

I have a feeling they won't be ther long! I could have sold that picture a million times. I guess that is one problem for small edition sizes!!

Still a few left of many of her other images at DCFA...

Nice work mao - Already sold out - I actually saw this print before you mentioned it - I guess I should have bought it then - but now I see what happened here and they're all gone. Oh well, if anyone still wants one, I'm sure the scalpers will have them for sale in their galleries and on ebay the second their delivered.

Holy crap! Does anyone know how long it was on their site??

wow... Soldout in just a few days.. That's amazing!
I'm glad I bought one a few days ago.

It's a stunning image. Explosion print was released Thursday on MoCP site. There's already a waiting list for the Tim Davis print coming out soon.

Going, going, gone! Very cool and a great deal if you acted quickly.

thanks ever so much for the tip. my print arrived today and it is terrific. also got the hobbs. they are fabulous.
again thanks

Here's a bit of "video art" you might appreciate, in the same vein:


I just got one of the explosion prints yesterday, so apparently a few more were made available. Thanks for the head's up, MAO!

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