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February 23, 2007

Pulse New York - The Preview

So sadly, we didn't get to spend much time at the Pulse Preview.. We just hate it when this job thing gets in the way of looking at Contemporary Art.

The fair looks great.. so high quality..we almost forgot we were at the downtown armory. We had about an hour today at the Pulse VIP Preview, and so here are sMargarita_cabrera_bike_and_plantome
of our early standouts..

1.)  Walter Maciel Gallery (LA aka..wrong coast gallery) -
had 2 great works on the floor in their booth by Mexican artist
Margarita Cabera
(Photo #1)

2.) The huge cool Art Installation over the cafe.
It's by artist Jason Hackenwerth
(photo #2,
Untitled, 2007)

Jackson_hackenwerthIn the Impulse section of the fair... we just loved this cool rotating sign..
It was at the Rokeby Gallery from London.
The work is by artist Graham Hudson.
(Photo #3 : Sign Odysseus - Chelsea Garage, 2007)

for those Photography obsessed collectors..
Some interesting news..
Graham_hudson_signThe Von Lintel Gallery is now representing (ex-Yosi Milo gallery super star photographer) Chris Jordan
They already had his work at the Pulse Fair, and have his much of his work on their website.
We were also told they will hold a show of his new work in May/June'07.

OK.. 2 fairs down.. 5 to go! Yikes! Help!


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I also liked the Cowboy Code B/W photo series by Wouter Deruytter being shown by Torch Gallery from Amsterdam.

One more object of art and I will wish (dream) to only look at blank walls and empty tables and floors.The cocktails and VIP lounges are not helping , they only make me wonder what happen to the joy of looking and why and I hiding in a bar with uncomfortable furniture.I was.looking through some old invitations today and what do I see but one from The Cowboy Code show from W+O'C many years ago it was a softer time and Wouter Deruytter has held up well .I live in today so I guess it will be rest and back to the tents .One more sweep of the Armory pier 94 and a little more of Scope and Red Dot. I acquire four new pieces but none from this seven ring or is that eigth ring circus.I saw little that I remember it seems that most thing camcelled each other out. And some things failed once you got the joke usually one you would not try to repeat.Are we still looking at art at these events ? Anyway Mike maybe we will see each other tomorrow I love this blog

What's your secret for avoiding art fair fatigue? I'm burned out, and I don't even live in New York anymore.

Dear Lisa,

His secret is called "Bolivian Marching Powder". But you didn't hear that from me...

I think you've got me confused with someone else..

At MAO we don't fool around with anything Bolivian.. we go only 100% Columbian!

Like, If it's not grown by Juan Valdez we're not interested. ;-)

I knew you were giving me the lousy espresso shots as soon as I had to rush to the toilet and drinking the good shots yourself!

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