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March 22, 2007

Marco Breuer - Free Artist Talk and Book Signing

Marco_breuer_early_record The ever insightful Aperture Foundation & Gallery, will have a Marco Breuer talk and new book signing next week!

Event details...here... Tuesday.. 6:30.. Aperture Gallery. His new book is called Early Recordings.

We've not talked up enough about this ground breaking artists.. but if you're a fan of innovative methods of photography... like the work of Adam Fuss, Susan Derges, The Starns, and Christopher Bucklow.... you'll just love Marco's work.

We've never herd Marco talk... but if he's half as interesting as his photographs.. the evening will be a huge success.

Sadly.. MAO will not be in attendance... we've got a super dull business dinner this Tuesday night at the new Uber Chic NYC hot spot.. Morandi !!  Yes... It's tuff being MAO..

But we're most certainly going to get this book.. Marc_breuer_study_for_pan_vii_2003 We've seen an advance copy.. and it looks amazing!

His photographs were prominently show at the summer 2005 - PS1 Grater NY show, as well as at MOMA.

And he shows with the Von Lintel Gallery in NYC where Marco is curating their next show. The show, Drawing, Thinking  will open on March 29th.

Marco Breuer.. yet another exciting artist to watch!


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What MAO meant to say was "Marco Breuer.. yet another exciting artist to PUSH!" --- Sure it's cool but how many artists do I have to collect? How about we put a moratorium on exciting new artists for a couple years so I can catch up?

Ahhh... FOWL!!

I didn't say COLLECT Marco's work..
As much as we try... MAO realized... we can't buy everything..Geeeze...

But we can all appreciate the witty work of this photo-creative artist... And there's ALWAYS room on the shelf for one more good art book from Aperture!!

Ha ha,

It's a joke. Actually his photos are nice. But how much is enough? I don't blame you MAO I blame the Art Industry and there never ending push to bring new product, uh, err I mean "art" to market. When will it stop?

Ha ha,

It's a joke. Actually his photos are nice. But how much is enough? I don't blame you MAO I blame the Art Industry and there never ending push to bring new product, uh, err I mean "art" to market. When will it stop?

Yay, Marco! I think he is amazing - - definitely top of my (albeit huge) list.

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