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April 17, 2007

Michael Wolf, his Copy Artist Series at the AIPAD Fair

Michael_wolf_copy_artist_35 Michael Wolf's new work at the wrong coast San Fran - Robert Koch Gallery booth at AIPAD 07.  This is the first of several MAO picks from the AIPAD fair. The thought here is to pick either new artists.. or work (new to MAO) by well established artists.

One of the first things to catch our eye, were these new small works from photographer Michael Wolf. We've seen may of this artists work before.. we loved his China Architecture of Density Series cityscapes.. but this new copy artist series just stuck a cord of beautiful harmony with the contemporary Art Appropriation lover in MAO.  (Photo #1 Michael Wolf, Copy Artist #35, 2007)

So what do you think of this new series by Mr. Wolf??

  • Cool Cat? or Dead Cat..
  • Love it, or seen it again, again, and again.. just yet another in-appropriate-appropriation...

Michael_wolf_copy_artist_16 (Photo #2 Michael Wolf, Copy Artist #16, 2007)

FYI.. Michael Wolf did a very informative interview with the always photo brilliant  - Conscientious Blogger Joerg Colberg .. last year.

The artist has his own website, but this Copy Artist series has yet to be posted.

The Goethe Institute in Hong Kong will be showing photographs from Michael Wolf's Copy Artist series this spring.

The not nice people at Robert Koch Gallery told us they're going to have a new show of these Michael Wolf Copy Artist photo's this summer. We're looking forward to seeing them.. now if there was only a nice NYC photography gallery who represented Mr. Wolf...hmmm...


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a note on Michael Wolf Copy Artist series the 5 issue of Daylight magazine has some nice reproductions considering

Great choice MAO.. this new series by Michael Wolf is really great.. I love these photo's.

And FYI... I thought I was the only person who the Robert Koch Gallery gave all the nasty attitude to...and I even live in their home town!

mmm, okay, these are both pretty good.... lots of interesting things happening.

I do not know where to look at in these pictures. What is so artistic of his works? Qualities? Humour perhaps. I have seen some of his works during the Parisphoto 2006 in a belgian Gallery. Those are works that you can see, fun to have seen it and forget them easily.

How long can you really look at these images? I'm tired of them already and I just saw them 5 minutes ago. Yeah, they're copying art. I get it. It's pathetic and ironic and speaks about the art world and originality. Ha ha. Next!!!

How long can you really look at these images? I'm tired of them already and I just saw them 5 minutes ago. Yeah, they're copying art. I get it. It's pathetic and ironic and speaks about the art world and originality. Ha ha. Next!!!

How long can you really look at these images? I'm tired of them already and I just saw them 5 minutes ago. Yeah, they're copying art. I get it. It's pathetic and ironic and speaks about the art world and originality. Ha ha. Next!!!

Petty of me, but I believe the Richter painting is reversed left to right- and I am idly wondering if it's the Wolf picture that's reversed, or the repro they painted, or the pic on MAo..

god i'm bored.

much like these paintings, this type of photography is amazingly inspirationaless.

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