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April 25, 2007

The Dow Jones Index Hits A new High..So.. Time to Go to an Art Fair!

So we're off to Art Chicago tomorrow. Looking forward to a great weekend. You can expect to see all the highlights of the art fair at MAO cause we'll be posting during our time in Chicago.

Here's just one of the many reasons why.. we expect Art Chicago to be a huge art buy-fest rousing success this year. (Photo #1, Dow Jones Breaks 13,000 - A new Historic High Today)


FYI.. a special MAO thanks go out to Ed Winkleman and the Bambino.. for the super nice Art Chicago VIP Pass.. So please be sure to bring all your rich collector friend over you Winkleman Gallery - Art Chicago Booth!


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Hey MAO...
Have fun at Art Chicago.. hope it's much better than it was last year.

Hey MAO...
Have fun at Art Chicago.. hope it's much better than it was last year.

I can't believe what a bad influence you were on me!

bitch, where's our updates?!

MOA , hope you are safe maybe a bit overwhelmed but bursting with joy excitement and new things to tell us about, to parapharse the great JM " they serve who stand and wait '

let us know who's hot and who's not


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