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May 24, 2007

MAO - Photo Buy of the Month - Kelli Connell

If you're like MAO and got totally slammed shut out of this insane round of NYC art auctions. The prices really went crazy! A relatively new Ryan McGinley photo actually sold for $22,000 at Phillips last week. I kid you not.. it's just amazing what a little MAO post, and a NY Times 2 page feature story will do for an artist's auction prices.

Well. My little MAO collector-ettes.. there's no need to fear.. we've found a deal for you!!

We've blabbed on and on talk about this young talented photographer a few times. The Aperture Foundation published a great book of her photos a few months ago.

And now SF Camera Work, a great art photography organization on the wrong west coast, has a new membership print in a reasonable sized edition..and at the very low price of $350.

Kelli_connell_4th_of_july_2005 Kelli Connell
4th of July
2005; Lambda print, 20 x 26." Edition of 20.
Collector Level Membership: $350

Oh... and if you want to see some of these prints in HUGE size.. Kelli Connell currently has a kick-ass wonderful show titled "Double Life" up at they Yossi Milo gallery.

Here's a review we found by Rafael Risemberg of the Blade, and here's one by Martha Schwendener in the New York Times.

The show is up till June 2nd. Don't miss it!


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MAO --

Just saw Kelli's show at Yossi and now I own a print thanks to your fabulous heads-up about SF Camera Work. Thanks for the tip!


Hey MAO.. I like this print..
It's in the book too!

WOW.. $350.. that sounds almost too good to be true.

Thanks for pointing this out.


That Kelli Connell print is already soldout...that happened in just one day!

Oh, no. I hate that Connell's work, bad prints I thought (good photoshop work tho). McGinley is a media whore, that NY times article makes me sick...(I thought that was a bad article) I rather buy some artists' work that's solid and work for a long term career.

Thanks for the info and site although I have seen better works by Connell. I particularly like the A. Leo Nash works though!!


I really like her work a lot!

What's really amazing is that $278 of that price is tax-deductible!!

Try looking at the work of interesting photgraphers. This stuff is crap.



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