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August 08, 2007

Gone Fishing....

Sorry for the lack of posts..the summer has been a crazy time for the financial markets.  The amount of financial damage done during July and the first few days of August are enormous.  OMG.. It's HUGE!!!!

Here's what one financial drama queen market participant, Jim Cramer, thought about the carnage situation.... Aka.. the "Mortgage Meltdown of 07, Financial Armageddon"

We at MAO project, the ramifications of these last few days will be felt around the Financial, Real Estate, and Art World for the next several years. We think this art party maybe just about over.. Oh well.. atleast it's really hot & sunny outside, and the staff at MAO badly needs a drink beach break! (photo by Karine Laval, Untitled #36, Marseille, 2003..from her current show at Bonni Benrubi Gallery)


So we will return in September with our regular bitchy art thoughts, news and gossip.

Enjoy the summer!



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Can;t you just call Maria and get a bag and get back to it?

Love you!

Have fun hanging at the Maidstone.

Can't wait for the return. In the meantime enjoy the sun and surf. Sorry we missed you!

More like The "Old-MaidStone"

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