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November 28, 2007

Young Collectors Panel discussion At Aperture Foundation

OK.. and now for some totally gratuitous self promotion.... And just remember.. Any event that refers to MAO as young.. has to be humorous a good thing!!

We're sure it's going to be a great night. MAO will just be getting back from Art Basel Miami 2007 (or better known as the last big party before the huge Art Crash of 08)...so hopefully our hangovers will be gone, and we'll have some fresh perspectives to share with the class. And just think.. When MAO speaks...art collectors laugh sleep throw rotten tomatoes listen!

Here's the Official Aperture Press Release.. Please say hi if your stop in.. thanks!


Panel Discussion

Aperture is pleased to present a special evening dedicated to the first steps of collecting photography. Moderated by esteemed collector and dealer, William Hunt from Hasted Hunt Gallery, this panel discussion represents a great opportunity to discuss the transition from being a photography lover, to making occasional purchases of prints, to defining oneself as a “collector”. The panelists will address the typical questions asked by a fledgling collector, such as: What are the joys and pitfalls of starting to build a collection? What do you need to know? At what stage does it matter?

An eclectic group of experienced and noted photography collectors will share their experiences on how to start collection, and answer audience questions. Panelists include: David Kronn and Gael Zafrany, from Charles Schwartz, Ltd., whose activity is to preserve and create collections for both museums and private individuals; Mike from the Amazing Art Blog, Modern Art Obsession.com; and internationally renowned designer, Todd Oldham.


Tuesday, December 11

6:30 p.m.

Aperture Gallery

547 West 27th Street, 4th floor

New York, NY

(212) 505-5555



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Don't worry.. Like me, you don't look a day over 43!


I enjoy your writing and am happy to see you have been invited to do some speaking on photography collecting. No doubt, your wit and wisdom will add to the panel. There is a slight chance my husband and I will be in NYC that weekend, but we may have to be in DC instead (holiday schedules are hell). We'll stop by on the 11th if possible.
Laura & Rob Jones
Migration: A Gallery

Too bad I will miss this event but, the thought of being in a Miami pool or beach that day is so worth it!
I am flying back from Miami the next day.I make sure I will send some future MAO-ets recruits to attend the discussion.
Hope I ran into you during Miami Art Basel.
Can't wait to go!
Going to the Terence Koh party at the Strip Joint.
Good luck with the panel discussion..got to get some color!..lol

Sounds like a great program. Sorry I'll be in the frozen north.

BTW, Aperture is having a sale on all its photographs right now. I'm bad at math, but it looks as if everything's about 15 percent off for a holiday sale.

AND 30% OFF ALL APERTURE BOOKS!!! A total steal check out Uncovered for a gift it is saucy

OMG! I am so cancelling my perm and waxing appointment at the spa and going to this!

can't this be rescheduled so Kenny doesn't have to appear in public before the perm and waxing???


looking forward to this civilized change of pace after Miami

Don't worry, Ed, I'll wear a long skirt and a shawl around the head.

ah, the uber-trendy babushka look...all the rage in the LES. ;)

Where has Kenny T been? Please get waxed pre Miami. An unkept bikini line is a big turn off to those big spending collectors!

Well, actually, much of what you write is not quite so: Well, all right, it does not matter:)

People only change after trauma, if they wanted to change before the trauma. Or if they've watched too many Afterschool Specials.

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