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December 07, 2007

Art Basel Miami Day 1.. NADA, Pulse and Art Miami...

Yesterday was the VIP opening preview's for most of the Miami Wynwood art fairs..

So many fairs...so few VIP's... 

With so many fairs having VIP openings on Tuesday afternoon/evening all the fairs seemed a bit empty. Even the famed NADA opening night benefit seemed a bit energy-less. MAO dragged Dr. Quiz from Art Miami at 3pm, to NADA at 5pm, to Pulse at 7pm. Yes.. it's a crazy way to see anything.. but we wanted to be seen to get a taste of all 3.

We can say, all 3 fairs have never looked better. What use to be new, fresh and cheap emerging, has quickly turned in to very professional, thoughtful and expensive established.   

Sales seem slow at all 3 fairs, it's hard to say if it's just due to collectors being spread too thinly across so many fairs, or if the slowing economy and the expensive prices are taking their toll.

More to details come....

Oh, and yes.. the parties are FABULOUS!!! So fabu that MAO knows one prominent art dealer, who's already : gone to the emergency room, had nine stitches put into his head, has his "date" arrested, and been seen in a car during a DWI... not bad for the first 2 nights of Art Basel Miami Beach. How sheik is that!



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