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December 08, 2007

For all things Basel, Dan Tan is your man

OK... so since there's next to nothing to talk about with regard to sales at Art Basel Miami Beach (aka.. the huge party before the art crash of 2008) the last few days... Ouch! 

Dantanzilli I.E... We noticed 2 huge New Barbara Kruger Paintings..both amazing.. had gone totally unsold as of last night (day 4 of the fair) at the Mary Boone Booth at the big fair.

So.. it would seem to fill space ArtInfo.com wrote a story.. about the hot boy man who makes ABMB happen!

Here's the story... Dan Tanzilli story

Hmm... for some strange reason, they seemed to leave out the part about Dan helping MAO get into every hot VIP event in SoBe!!

MAO hearts Dan Tan the Man!


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Hi Mike -

Have you seen any interesting dog art there?

Dan Tanzilli knows nothing about art, and is just a flack who hangs onto creative types and thinks what he does is somehow important to the world. I mean, let's get real here.

How does Dr. Quiz feel about your new love?

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