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December 12, 2007

MAO Art Buy of the Month by Famed Photographer Catherine Opie

OK.. my little MAO-ettes.. this one is almost too good to believe...but yes..

It's totally legit..and such a deal plus you get to help a great charity!

Catherine_opie_olpc_project_luminai There's this amazing charity called.. One Laptop Per Child (OLPC). Here's more about the OLPC charity.

The charity's mission is to provide a means of learning, self-expression and exploration to the nearly 2 billion children of the developing world with little or no access to education. They look to provide a laptop to help connect and educate children...so what could be better then that??

Well.. how about also getting a one of a kind signed 11" x 14" color photo from one of America's most sought after photographers for just a $500 donation (aka.. a tax deduction).. ??

Actually it's a $400 donation and for $100, and you'll get a signed photo.

FYI.. a typical editioned Catherine Opie photo of this print size would sell easily for over $3,000 in a gallery...plus these are all unique! Not bad!  Here's more on Catherine Opie.

So Catherine Opie created a project of 100 images where she took photo's (both landscapes and portraits) of the artist's neighborhood of Los Angles and Three Rivers as a backdrop for the OLPC laptop.

Dr. Quiz and I saw a few examples of the photo's at the Luminaire Studio during Art Basel.. they were all pretty cool.

So, the only catch is you can't choose your exact image.. it's a surprise which one you'll get.

First, you just have to register at this website.. and then you can make your $500 donation here, and you'll get your unique 11"X14" Catherine Opie photo. Then they send you an invoice.. your pay, and they send you the package with the Opie Photo.

For those having trouble with the Luminaire Site.. Just call or contact :

ANGELA PEREZ: 305.576.5788 OR [email protected]  or

Monique Brendel : [email protected]

and tell them MAO sent you.. for more info on this Charity Print Offer.


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Either I'm doing something funky - or these are already all gone...


Looks like they've taken the edition down..
As of a few days ago.. only 5 or 6 were sold so far..

So I'm not sure what they are doing..

If I find out any info.. I'll post more..

I entered all of the info and submitted a bid and the screen said "thank you"... OK... for some reason I left feeling like nothing had happened. Kinda like leaving a phone message with a gallerina in Chelsea... I tried it twice, Am I missing something? Am I going to get a bill for $1000? SO I keep thinking... Am I going to end up being the Grinch to every computer savvy kid in developing countries.... Huh.... I really like the whole idea...

Dear MAO,

Thanks for ruining Christmas. AGAIN!

Oh Oh!
I almost fell for it too. MAO what happened?
Too many bargains going on folks, need to be careful.During the holidays some people always try to take advantage.
Oh Oh...

Oh Oh!
I almost fell for it too. MAO what happened?
Too many bargains going on folks, need to be careful.During the holidays some people always try to take advantage.
Oh Oh...

Hey Everyone..
I spoke with the Luminaire People..

If you place and order..

They will send you an invoice in the mail...
And once you pay.. they send you the package with the photo.

It is all legit!

So does each of the photos have a OLPC laptop in it? While I love her photos I am not sure if I want a backdrop for an unattractive laptop. I'd love some more info on what you thought of the images.

Hey Scott,

the few photo's we saw (only 3 or 4).. each had an OLPC somewhere in the image, generally in a childs hand or peaking out of a backback or something..

The photo's we saw were all taken outside..in an urban setting, with childern & an OLPC in the image. But I have no idea what the rest look like.. you could probably call or email the people at Luminaire to get more info.

Yik. I think you should just donate the $400 for the kids and forget the photo. Although I'm sure we'll see them flogged on ebay.

You still ruined Christmas.

For those who are ungrateful and don't appreciate Mike's efforts, please check out ACRIA sale going on tomorrow at 230 West 38th Street between 12:00-5:00.
The is a 15% discount going on.
Don't be a Grinch or make other ones try to do good like one . Bad Karma.
Happy Holidays!
See info below!

The ACRIA Holiday Open House features

15% off of our incredibly low everyday prices on our entire selection of artists’ limited edition and unique works!

And enjoy delicious Holiday refreshments too!!

Or shop right now at our online gallery https://www18.ssldomain.com/acria/store/store_artwork.asp

where the 15% sale has just begun. Peruse our online store featuring works by Christopher Wool, Tony Feher,

Ellen Carey, Dike Blair, Tina Barney, Matthew Pillsbury, Ross Bleckner and dozens more of the most talented and

renowned contemporary artists working today.

The sale is for one week only so you better move fast! Sale ends December 19th at midnight and cannot be extended.

Save on shipping costs by picking up your works in person. If you can’t join us for the open house, email [email protected] to

make an appointment anytime through December 19th or call 212-924-3934 x101

Please note: online prices do not reflect the 15% off sale price; the reduction will be made at the time of purchase on or

before December 19th. And, remember, all ACRIA purchases are always SALES TAX FREE!

All money raised from the sale of artworks goes directly to the AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA),

and will support its life-saving HIV research, treatment, and education work in New York City, across the U.S., and

around the world.

Click here to make an end-of-year,100% tax-deductible donation to ACRIA right now! https://www18.ssldomain.com/acria/store/donationcheckout.asp

Happy Holidays and thank you for supporting ACRIA!

ACRIA's Holiday Open House

Tuesday, December 18th 12-5PM

280 West 38th Street 17th Floor (between 7th and 8th Avenues)

New York, NY 10018

212-924-3934 x101

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