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December 19, 2007

Tis the Season to be Giving to Arts Education!!

So... for all you rich artists, gallerinas, and collectors getting even richer riding the insane wave during the golden age of Contemporary Art.

Bulldogsrockydaisyrockychristmas Ho.. Ho.. Ho..!!   It's about time to give a little back to Art Education.

Mr. Tyler Green of Modern Art Notes.. "The most influential of all the visual-arts blogs" cough..  has put together a selective list of very worthy arts education projects in bad need of your support.

So please.. click here.. read the sappy sweet note from the art teacher looking for financial help.. and give..give..give...  it will make you feel really good!  Trust MAO....it did. :-)

The future of contemporary art and our children's education is in your hands! Now that's scary!

Plus..it's almost Christmas.. so give a little!  PLEASE!  It will make Tyler happy too!


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Happy Holidays !
I just LUV LUV LUV the site...

And, This is such a nice charity drive.... But you really shouldn't kiss Tyler's ass oh so much..


this is my first time on this site
i wanted to say hi



Thanks Eddie...

But what took you so long??

mao and dr q.,

have a great nye. see you in 08! can't wait.

d & p

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Artistic activity can also be a method to obtain fulfillment plus contemplate, even though it bids it has the students to touch, flavour, hear, and then determine the world. Youngsters are powerfully troubled by storytelling, popular music, dance, plus the image arts.

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