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January 16, 2008

Some new shows not to Miss in Chelsea..Sarah Pickering and El Anatsui

We did the rounds of many of the new dull shows opening around Chelsea last Thursday.. Of course...every gallery was just packed with people looking for free drinks great art.

Interestingly, not too many were sold out.. But there were at least 2 shows we all thought were... not to be missed..

1. Sarah Pickering's New "Fire Scene" Show at Daniel Cooney Fine Art ..

Pickering__glue_sniffing_kids_2007 We at MAO have been a long time fan of

this hot British photographer.. and

this is Sarah's second solo show in NYC... Congrats!

and she's done it again.. with an impressive new heated body of work.

(Photo #1, by Sarah Pickering,

Glue Sniffing Kids, 2007)

The Artist, also has her own fiery website, with more of her fabulous work.. so you can check it all out here...


2. The El Anatsui,  "Zebra Crossing" show at Jack Shainman Gallery..

El_anatsui_bleeding_takari_ii_2007_ totally amazing!

(photo #2 by El Anatsui, Bleeding Takari II, 2007)

FYI, You can see another one if his works on the wall  at the Metropolitan Museum! Here's a brief NYT mention of it!

The first major work of contemporary African sculpture acquired by the Met..

Oh.. and if you have a chance..

be sure to check out the well fluffed thoughtful and fun Christopher K. Ho show at the Edward Winkleman Gallery, and the new "Caucus" group show at Schroder Romero which includes one kick ass great David Wojnarowicz photograph!


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Can we do Pizza Night again tonight?

But I thought you were on a strict Non-Pizza Diet?

Hey MAO,

Thanks for the kind words on Sarah's show. It was good to see you!


well fluffed

If only...Bambino's idea of fluffing before the scan was a nanosecond of a hug and a shove out from behind the curtain. :-)

Geeze... Ed...

"....nanosecond of a hug and a shove out from behind the curtain"

Aaah.. Poor Ed...You make the Bambino sound like Mama Rose from Gypsy..

I'm sure he's so proud of you ED!!

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