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February 14, 2008

Boom or Bust... Let's Take our First MAO Poll... ABMB 2008 ??


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Love it!
My guess is between 14-19 more on the 14 side.
Check out my new posts.
Are you going to Jeremy's on Saturday?


Not only ABMB satellite fairs will be cancelled this year. I have heard of two fairs which are cancelled for 2008 in Europe: "Photo London" and "Fine Art Fair" Frankfurt.

And two other fairs bite the dust:
„dc - duesseldorf contemporary“ which started last year and was planned to be held parallel to the "Art Cologne" was cancelled yesterday. Also cancelled is the satellite fair "ART COLOGNE Palma de Mallorca"

It looks interesting however I don’t have a right Comment on this topic at this point of time.

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