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March 25, 2008

Jeremy Kost's Art Installation at the Tribeca Grand

Jeremy Kost art installation and party at the Tribeca Grand Hotel this Sunday.

Well.. my little MAO-ettes.. We know everyone will be oh so super busy doing Armory Show events this weekend.. but there's one hot event you might want to put on the calendar for Sunday night.

Jeremy Kost, up and coming artist and Friend Of MAO (to be known as FOMAOs) will be holding court a party at the Tribeca Grand Hotel.

The reception will be hosted by 2008 Whitney Biennial Curator, Shamim M. Momin and artist Terence Koh..so you know it has to be a totally chic event! Jeremy Kost is represented by Conner Contemporary Art in DC so you may already know his Polaroid centric work.

The work Jeremy will be showing is called "Not Yet Titled (Making Faces)", 2008 and it's been inspired by Bruce Nauman's "Studies for a Hologram".  Its a new fresh, provocative, sexy take on an incredible work. Here's an interview Jeremy did with Renee Lucas of City Magazine about the new project at Tribeca Grand.

Jeremy_kost_making_faces_working The video work will be installed in the lobby of the hotel, showing in the evenings of March 28, 29, and 30th.

The Party... 
Sunday March 30th, 2008 
7pm to 11pm
2 Avenue of the Americas
(at Church Street).
Oh.. and Be sure to
caue it's going to be quite a crazy art hot hot hot happening scene!!
MAO and the Dr. Quiz will be there!


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Hey MAO!
Are you looking at a crystal ball?
I just e-mailed you about this weekend.The SCOPE party is Friday night at the Tribeca Grand . It is going to be a Grand weekend afterall. See you there along with all the MAOettes!
Very excited about Jeremy!

Is it possible that even being so far we could be MAOettes?
In fact we already feel like ones.

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