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March 13, 2008

New Young Artist to Watch.. Yoon Lee - Opening at Pierogi

Painter Yoon Lee.. solo show opening at Pierogi Gallery in Williamsburg..

Leeyoon_jfk_2 We first saw Yoon Lee's amazing high energy paintings at Pulse Miami 2006 at the DCKT Contemporary booth.

(photo, Yoon Lee,  JFK, 2007-08, Acrylic on Sintra (PVC),84 x 240 inches )

Our first impression, was Yoon Lee's paintings were a more interesting fresh new exciting expansion of the work by Julie Mehretu. What do you think?

Her first NYC show is opening up tomorrow night at Pierogi Gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and will be up untill April 14th.

If you had any question of how impressed we've been with Yoon Lee's paintings.. Believe it or not.. MAO was actually thinking of crossing a river for an Art opening tomorrow night.. !!!


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Hey MAO...
Yoon Lee.. That's an impressive painting.

Thanks for pointing out her work and the show.. I never get over the Brooklyn.. We will have to check it out.

Nice painting!
Is she as pricey already as Julie Merehtu? Ever since PS1 always liked her work.

Yoon Lee and the 31 under 31 show (also in Brooklyn) might be the perfect excuse to check out the 718 code. Now I have a better excuse also of seeing an artist's work living there that I keep putting off.

Hey Ruben..
I don't think Yoon's work it too expensive yet..
No where near Mehretu's work.

I don't know how much this painting is (probably between $20-30k).. but it's super sized.. 7 feet x 20 feet!! My guess, more reasonable size paintings are currently under $10k

But, Yoon Lee only creates a few paintings a year..because it's so work intensive.. when you see them you'll understand why.

$20-30k is still well priced...Yoon is on her way to superstardom. If you can, picking up one her smaller pieces now, would be a smart move.


Wonderful energy. I am also eeping my eye on this artist.

OK.. so we made a slight error..

The Yoon Lee painting.. is $68,000 in the 84 x 240 inches.
The smaller ones were all soldout.. but this huge one, as well as one other larger scale painting for $28,000 were still unsold as of last night's opening.

and the paint handling is good? I had my doubts when I first saw the jpegs...guess I'll have to go check the show out. You really can't tell nearly as much as I sometimes think from a jpeg.

I think Joe is always very reasonable about prices.

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