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March 04, 2008

Tim Noble & Sue Webster's Electric Fountain at Rock Center..Pretty!


Art Production Fund Presents Tim Noble and Sue Webster.. Electric Fountain. Now blinking in Bright Blue at Rockefeller Center now till April 5th 2008.

OK... So.. we took some photos on our walk home the other night.

We just thought everyone would like the pretty 35 foot high fountain in 3-D neon blue on the plaza at Rock Center.

We at MAO don't really think this is too thought provoking great art..  but.. It's BIG!! AND AS THEY SAY.. IF YOU CAN'T MAKE IT GOOD.. MAKE IT BIG!! So.. It's 3,390 LED bulbs and 527 meters of neon tubing...and blinking.

But it brought a moment of happiness to what had been a terrible few weeks for MAO.  For those looking for more mental stimulation about public Art.. why in the world are you reading this blog?? please go here and read Ed's Blog..

God.. how much worse is it going to get on Wall Street!!  So much Gloom, Doom, and Losses everywhere.

So enjoy the Fountain! It's Pretty!




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This site seems obsessed with money, not art.

Every day, I walk by that fountain on my way to work and lunch (it is nice to pretend to be a tourist, accent and all).It is like a little piece of Disneyland,Times Square and Last Vegas all thrown in together.It looks misplaced but, that makes it stand out and dominate its placement.
I must say for a bad week at work so far, walking by it kind of makes my day.
It makes me feel pretty and it looks pretty!
Public Art is a must have after a hard, miserable work day.
MAO hang in there...there is always Friday on the horizon!
Is it Friday yet?


Bid on the opportunity to meet Jeff Koons and go on a private tour of his studio, led by the artist himself.

Michael Govan (LACMA Director) has also donated a private tour of the new Broad Museum at LACMA.

The auctions end on March 6, 2008.

Bid on the chance to talk with these gentlemen about their thoughts on the new Broad museum and art in general. www.charitybuzz.com The auctions benefit the Hereditary Disease Foundation

there is something similar that happens every year, for xmas, in the greek section of the danforth in Toronto. but its better cause its all lofi.

Ruben said: It is like a little piece of Disneyland,Times Square and Last Vegas all thrown in together. It looks misplaced but, that makes it stand out and dominate its placement. I must say for a bad week at work so far, walking by it kind of makes my day. It makes me feel pretty and it looks pretty!

So true!

I love Tim Noble and Sue Webster's work and this is spectacular...I love when art makes me feel slightly uneasy and I love when art makes me feel happy...this is happy art!

It is not art, it is a peice of engineering made by engineers. it is about as artistic as a Budweiser sign. when will people realise these are not "artists" but "con-artists"

Cool post, i enjoyed reading it!

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