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May 19, 2008

ACRIA - Unframed 2008 Chairty Art Auction

OK..MY little MAO-ettes..Here's your big chance to help a great AIDS organization, ACRIA.. and to buy some hard to get art work for totally bargain prices.

This Tuesday, May 20th from 5 to 8pm at the Charles Cowles Gallery. There will be smart cocktails.. Plus.. Of course, MAO and his posse will be there..so you know the night will be totally FABULOUS! Don't miss this one! Official details here.

Oh..By the way.. ACRIA has a really great limited edition print program...well worth checking out.



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I wanted to ask a big favor, since your going to the acria benefit and I live in honolulu and will not be able to attend, I wanted to know if you could purchase the Jim Hodges edition.........and if you can not I totally understand.

btw....love your blog...

dean geleynse

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