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June 23, 2008

Congrats to Josh Azzarella on his inclusion in a Sean Kelly Gallery Group Show

Congrats to Josh Azzarella on his inclusion in an impressive Sean Kelly Gallery Group Show.

Josh_azzarella_Untitled_Bryan Many smart MAO readers may already know the photographic work of young artist Josh Azzarella, and it would seem some other high attitude end Chelsea art dealers have also taken notice! (See MAO's Josh Azzarella interview Part I, and Part II)

This past Friday night, Canceled, Erased & Removed, A group Showhas opened.

The entire group show is focused on the concept of artists creating a new work of art, by eliminating or canceling elements from another image or art work. Yes, we at MAO know...it's not the most mind stretching concept for an art show.. but hey.. it's summer...so lighten up! And congratulate Josh.. cause he's been included among a list of some very important, MAO favorite, artists!

(Photo by Josh Azzarella, Untitled #38, Bryan, 2007... We believe it's based on this historic photo from Little Rock Central H.S. of Elizabeth Eckford arriving at school facing the Arkansas National Guard, on September 4,1957)

The artists included in the exhibition are: Janine Antoni, Josh Azzarella, John Baldessari, Mike Bidlo, Slater Bradley, David Ellis, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Douglas Gordon, Jenny Holzer, Marine Hugonnier, Callum Innes, Alfredo Jaar, Titus Kaphar, Idris Khan, Yves Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Peter Liversidge, Richard Long, Jorge Macchi, Anthony McCall, Ana Mendieta, Ed Ruscha, JuliĆ£o Sarmento, Yuken Teruya and Gavin Turk

The Show runs till August 1.


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