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June 25, 2008

MAO Art Buy of the Month - photo by Hank Willis Thomas

MAO Art Buy of the Month - photo by Hank Willis Thomas. OK...My little greedy MAO-ettes..we have a deal for you!

Hank_Willis_Thomas_Branded_Chest_2003 So, some MAO readers may have seen this print already... but the nice people at Light Work just cut the price by 10%.

Branded Chest, 2003
Platinum print, 10 x 6.5"

Hank Willis Thomas $450.00 $405.00
Order your print on-line here

It was a great deal even at the original price.. but now it's that much better!

We've loved this young artists work ever since we first saw his show of the B®anded Series at the hot Jack Shainman Gallery in 2006. We at MAO, think this image is one of the most powerful works by Mr. Thomas. It's going to be iconic!

Additionally, the career of  Mr. Thomas is on the rise.. with recipient of the 2007 Renew Media Arts Fellowship (Rockefeller Foundation) and the Aperture West Book Prize for a publication of his work in 2008.

FYI..with your purchase of this Platinum print..you also get a free 1 year subscription to Contact Sheet. It's one of the most cutting edge publications of emerging art photographers. They also have a $900 Benefactor Category..which is a great deal as well!


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Hey MAO!
I made my move on this one last week!
Remember discussing it at the ACRIA benefit last month?..lol

You might want to add that Aperture is doing a book of Hank due in September. Check out the Exposures Aperture blog.I had seen it and it is quite nice. Also he was part of the NY Photo Festival Show curated by Leslie Martin(Aperture Publisher).

Aperture is also doing a print so, stay tuned!

As a true MAO-ette... I did my homework!

Nice choice MAO..

What a powerful image.. totally love love love it.
I just bought one... but who is Light Work?? And has anyone ever seen Contact Sheet on a news stand in NYC?


Tom B -- Light Work is a wonderful organization that offers fellowships for emerging photographers. Amy Stein is the current fellow. Check out the "alternative prints" button on the Light Work site to see some of the AMAZING past offerings, many of which are still available.

I recently bought the Angelika Rinnhofer photo from Light Work and it came beautifully matted, which cut down substantially on the framing cost.

One great boring yawn ...
no wonder Picasso called much of
photography the art form of the second rate .

Wow, MAO. Hilton Kramer is lurking on your blog.

FYI... there's a rumor out there that MOMA just bought this Hank Willis Thomas Photo for their own collection!!

Great choice MAO.. thanks for the heads up.. you're the best!

One can only hope MOMA by passed
this "prole" art".Only bottom
proles lacking imagination would give this a second look,it is carefully cropped to make it seem daring and then a laughable title.
Pablo ,how right you are !!!!!!

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, MAO! I love it. I just bought one, too.

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