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July 09, 2008

David Wojnarowicz show at P.P.O.W. Gallery

History Keeps Me Awake at Night, A Genealogy of Wojnarowicz July 10th - August 2nd.

Sadly.. we're going to miss this opening.. but If you're in NYC on July 10th.. it's bound to be the best gallery group show of the summer season.

It's amazing to see which artists have all responded to David's work...

David_wojnarowicz_self_portrait The show includes... Wolfgang Tillmans, Zoe Strauss, Carrie Mae Weems, Michael Bilsborough, Ryan McGinley, and Mike Estabrook just to name a few contemporary greats!

Congrats to the super nice people at P.P.O.W. on a great show, and for keeping the memory of David Wojnarowicz alive!

Here's a part of the press release...

(photo, David Wojnarowicz in collaboration with Tom Warren
Portrait/Self Portrait of David Wojnarowicz
, 1983-85, mixed media, 60 x 40")

This show presents the work of a select group of contemporary artists that have been the beneficiaries of David Wojnarowicz’s art, writings, and voice.  Although it has been sixteen years since his death in 1992, the potency of David’s work and message still reverberates and affects those who come into contact with it.  None of these artists knew David Wojnarowicz personally but they all have work that is directly connected to him.  The work of these artists is uniquely theirs, but all of them are bound by the influence David has had on them, each in their own specific way. This is not a memorial, this is not a re-iteration or duplication, this is an exhibition that brings artists from different countries, backgrounds and aesthetics to a single space to show how the work and life of David Wojnarowicz continues to inform artists today.

On July 17th at 6-9pm.. there will also be a night of Film Screening and Readings by Zachary German, Amy King, Sara Marcus and Maz Steele.


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are there any catalogues on the DW show that will be avaiable. also i am a disabled artist with a signed piece david did in the 80's and knowing little about the world of galleries, etc., where would be the best place to go to get quotes, etc. thanks

Hey Randy,
Thanks for the comments.
I don't think there's a show catalog.
But the nice people at PPOW can help you out if you own a Wojnarowicz work..they help manage the estate. Also..most of the major auction houses would probably evaluate your work.

Which work do you have?
[email protected]

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