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July 23, 2008

Last Opportunity to see the Chuck Close curated show at the FLAG Art Foundation

It's the last chance to see these 2 amazing shows at the FLAG Art Foundation. If you've not seen this yet... drop everything and go tomorrow!

Cindy_sherman_flag_foundation The FLAG Foundation is a great new undiscovered gem of the Chelsea Art world. The space is super impressive, and the art incredible..plus the entire Chuck Close "Attention To Detail" show was 100% curated out of the foundation's private collection.

(photo, by Cindy Sherman, Untitled #209, 1989, color coupler print in artist's frame, 58 x 42")

MAO was lucky enough to get to see these shows a few weeks ago..and we can't say enough positive things about them.

Here is their website with just a few of the works in the 2 shows www.FlagArtFoundation.org

Here's some of the press release...

The FLAG Art Foundation invites you to the FINAL public viewing of "Attention to Detail" and "Drawn Together"


Thursday July 24th

from 11am to 2pm.

"Attention to Detail" curated by Chuck Close includes work by 50 different artists from the well known like Robert Gober, Gerhard Richter and Damien Hirst to younger artists like Ken Solomon, Cary Kwok and Tara Donovan.

"Drawn Together," on the 10th floor, features a 30 foot long work by Mark Bradford that has never been seen before in New York and multiple works by Dan Fischer, Ewan Gibbs, Jim Hodges, Ellsworth Kelly, Brice Marden, Richard Phillips and Charles Ray.

FLAG is located in the Chelsea Arts Tower at 545 West 25th Street, 9th floor.

Just let them know that MAO sent you.. and they will be sure to roll out the MAO red carpet for our dedicated Modern Art Obsessed readers.


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Hey MAO..
Thanks for the heads up...

This private FLAG ART foundation looks a bit like the Rubell, Cicneros, and Margolis collections in Miami.

It's about time NYC had something to compare!

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