Save the Date.. re:FORM Charity Art Auction for the Drug Policy Alliance
re:FORM Art Auction & Cocktail Reception
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
6:00pm -- 9:00pm
Cheim & Read gallery
547 West 25th St .
New York , NY 10001
Event More Details here : re:Form event website
The Drug Policy Alliance art event in 2005 was an amazing art night... this biennial event..promises to be even bigger and better.
re:FORM is about more than just the art. It's the best opportunity for the New York-area arts community to mix, mingle, be fabulous and support the work of Drug Policy Alliance (DPA)
For those clueless who don't know, the DPA seeks to promote alternatives to the drug war based on science, compassion, health and human rights. This organization works locally, nationally, and internationally to protect our freedoms and ensure that our drug policies no longer arrest, incarcerate, disenfranchise and otherwise harm millions of nonviolent people.
Buy your tickets now -- it’s only $150 for a regular ticket and $100 for those aged 35 years and younger. All tickets will include entry to an after party being coordinated by their way cool Young Leadership Committee.
The night will honor Donald Baechler, Dr. Mathilde Krim and Fred Tomaselli.
Donations for the art auction are still coming in... but so far they have work generously donated by these amazing artists :
Vito Acconci
Jesse Alpern
Josh Azzarella
Donald Baechler
Ross Bleckner
Fanny Bostrom
Kelie Bowman
Julia Chiang
Maxi Cohen
Julia Condon
Annabel Daou
Andy Diaz Hope
Judith Hudson
David Humphrey
Ryan Humphrey
Louise Lawler
Dan McCleary
Adam Ogilvie
Mike Quinn
Sam Reveles
Shelby Ross
Adam Stennett
Fred Tomaselli
Rhonda Tymeson
Lawrence Weiner
Eric White
Xawery Wolski
Rob Wynne
So you can see just from the preliminary list, it's going to be a great art charity auction.
And, FYI, As the event's official blog sponsor.. MAO will be posting several stories featuring some of the art items being put up for auction by these smart thoughtful generous artists.
So stay tuned my Little MAO-ettes..with the who's who of the NYC art world in attendance, this event is going to be one exciting night! So, Put September 3rd in your over booked social calendars now.
Ah.. MAO is the official BLOG sponsor..
so does that mean you're doing art consulting now??
That's an impressive list of artists..and with Cheim and Read gallery.. that's all very high end!
Are young collectors going to afford anything at the auction?
Posted by: Snappy | July 24, 2008 at 04:45 PM
as a curator in a relatively small town in oregon, reading about shows like this give me pangs of jealousy. it can be difficult to get art that is ground breaking, thought provoking, controversial art to eugene. i live in a politically progressive, open-minded community and i know that people here are ready to have their foundations shook, but many of the artists that i admire are reluctant to exhibit their art in such an untested market. i'll keep trying (eugene needs something more titillating that landscapes and bowls of pears), but until then i send as many people as possible to sites like yours to get exposed to the kind of art we don't yet have here. i love chuck close's work, and i really enjoy seeing artist curated shows, because it is interesting to see who admirable artists admire. i love the image that you chose for the post, it caught my eye immediately. thank you for filling a place in my artistic heart that i can usually only satisfy through travel.
Posted by: party like an art star | August 14, 2008 at 07:30 PM
This event already looks like a must. Good luck with it!
I am planning to be in Provincetown that week. I need a vacation!
Posted by: Ruben | August 18, 2008 at 10:03 AM
Dear fellow Hillary Supporters!
Hillary's campaign has made sure that no women running for president will ever be seen the same again.
I have started an art based campaign to help rid Hillary of her Campaign debt and represent her legacy on the web and as part of the DNCC. Please help me help Hillary and at the same time, help yourself to one of these historic works of art!
I've also extended Hillary's run for president to included other great women past and present who represent the values I believe Hillary stands for!
20% of all profits from Poster and Post Card sales are donated to Hillary’s Campaign.
My goal is to raise my full contribution limit! $4,600.00 ($479.50 so far) as soon as possible.
Visit my site today!
Hillary’s Historic Works of Art
Posted by: Hillary’s Historic Works of Art | August 28, 2008 at 06:24 AM