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July 29, 2008

Scope Hampton 2008.... We went.. We saw.. Here's what we liked.

SCOPE Hamptons 2008.. Yes...MAO and our many MAO-ettes were the only one there, on Saturday morning!

Most of the art dealers looked totally hungover tired from the big party the night before, but the fair was much better than we had expected. The booths looked great, there were no silly crowds of stupid people blindly buying everything, but sales were most certainly being made. We even saw some red dots!

The art at the fair was a bit uneven at best .. but there were a few MAO standouts..

1. The work of young conceptual artist, Vincent Como.

We first read about this artist on Brian Sherwin's Art Blog.

We just loved, Vincent's sold cube cast of black ink.. plus his many ink drawings.

(photo #1 Vincent Como, 4.5 Cubic in. "Volume of the Inside of My Head", 4.5x4.5x4.5 in, Cast Sumi Ink )

VincentComo at DC gallery... www.meatmarketgallery.com

2. Always a MAO favorite, Chicago gallery Carrie Secrist was at Scope

Of course they had the silly huge swirling glass pool of fluid by artist Petroc Dragon Sesti.

But, also got to meet photographer, Kim Keever. His staged fish tank photos look just like beautiful Hudson School paintings. Amazing!

(Photo #2, Kim Keever, Fallen Tree, 2005, 47 x 71",c-print)  

Kim_Keever_falletree3. We got to meet and liked the work of local hampton's artist Jeff Muhs

 at the McNeill Art Group Jeffmuhs

(Photo #3, Jeff Muhs, things that Steve gave me, Nan's Minks, 2008, cement 11 x 12 x 32")

4. We liked Andrea Cote performance based photos, at PanAmerican Art Projects.

She uses her own hair to paint and perform.Andrea Cote

(Photo # 4, Andrea Cote, self portrait,

Drawing the Body Series, digital-print)

Gerald_forster_Nocturnal11 5. Gerald Forster at a new gallery, hous projects from NYC

These night time photo's will bring out the viewer in you!

(Photo #5, Gerald Forster, Nocturnal #11, 2006, c-print)

6. And lastly,

We just love all the drawings by Michael Bilsborough at the Salomon Contemporary gallery from East Hampton.

Sadly, They only had one Michael Bilsborough drawing at the fair, but we got to see his entire show, "The Eternally Obvious" at their big warehouse space on Michael_bilsborough_drawingSunday afternoon. It is most certianly worth a stop if you're in the Hamptons this summer.

(Photo #6, Michael Bilsborough, "Smiling Through", 2008, ink on paper)


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That was a great wild Art Party..
Sorry you missed it!

Hi MAO! Thanks for the generous shout-out. The drawing is called "Smiling Through," 2008. Hope you had a fantastic weekend!

Hey MAO,
This was a great list.
I didn't get to see the Scope Hampton Fair this year..
But with all your picks I feel as though I didn't miss very much.

That Michael Bilsborough drawing looks great.. how big was it?

Hey MAO!
Great selection of artwork !
SCOPE Hamptons was a quite nice boutique style art fair. The Michael Bilsborough show at Salomon (great work) was the perfect backdrop for the Opening party and a good party it was. The energy of the partygoers and the art fused together for that night. I saw and tried to photoghaph so many great nocturnal views while there that, I end it up getting the Gerald Forkster with the small Nocturnal NYC photo and the book.
What a sexy one!
Great seeing you there!

Hey guys, you might want to check out Corpus Collective. Como and two others form the collective.

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